I bellieve in a higher being,i was raised as a christiian,i like the ten comandments,what my god is im not sure but i believe theres an afterlife it brings me a inner peace
My daughter was offered good money to go to the states but. She turned it down because shed miss family and i could not visit hope she has no regrets shes the head of her department and on good money shes got a serious boyfriend now so maybe for the best
my little bulldog bitch ate a space cake she was on her back tongue flopped out it was scary she was f****d my boy left the cake by his bed and the greedy little c**t ate it
she is a nasty little c**t loves a scrap if she was big shed be a riight handful and she does bite hates men and cant be trusted with dogs or strange men
Thats rockys brother who we have they are eight in june i have a nice bitch too but sadly i didnot breed her but i am getting the males semen frozen soon