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mr moocher

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Everything posted by mr moocher

  1. My daughter was offered good money to go to the states but. She turned it down because shed miss family and i could not visit hope she has no regrets shes the head of her department and on good money shes got a serious boyfriend now so maybe for the best
  2. i know some one took a lot diazepan they they was out for three days right as rain. Affter
  3. my little bulldog bitch ate a space cake she was on her back tongue flopped out it was scary she was f****d my boy left the cake by his bed and the greedy little c**t ate it
  4. she is a nasty little c**t loves a scrap if she was big shed be a riight handful and she does bite hates men and cant be trusted with dogs or strange men
  5. This is kager 22 mths kager has nice drive
  6. My aunty and uncle went to canada to live there 50 years ago too cold for me they have a farm
  7. I always fancied nz south island nice and rural
  8. never seen one healthier is a good thing
  9. I never heard of them either
  10. I read a few weeks ago scientists believe there are upto 100 big cats. Thhat roam the uk and tthat evidence is overwhelming
  11. This is piggy my scott bitch i should of bred her
  12. Thats rockys brother who we have they are eight in june i have a nice bitch too but sadly i didnot breed her but i am getting the males semen frozen soon
  13. Nice bred josh was grandfather to mine hes a cowboy son
  14. I like the old joshua stuffi had joshua x hines blood back. Then
  15. thats why its best to research my old scott bulldog died of old age he was 12
  16. no not so far they are eight now there dad died last year he was 12 he never sufferred from it
  17. hes through alan scotts crusher its his Grandad one side of his. Ped is hines back to country boy thouugh
  18. That was lucky glad you are all ok
  19. This is rocky sire to the pups rocky is a scott bulldog
  20. Shes very stable excellent family dog
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