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Everything posted by mooshka

  1. Am glad they are coming into focus for you... you can probably see a few more aswell... If I wasn't a 'T' total I would try it myself....
  2. Errmm, Thanks for the replies... all makes perfect sence.. Sounds like a plan Hannah... it's my only chance of gettin my head round this .. hope you have some patience But the combination of a rubbish camera, poor light and a complete novice I guess I was expecting a little too much! Thanks again for the replies and will be referring back to them later I am sure
  3. thanks SEAN, I just think theres a simple enough answer but I am a 'special' case... bit fick in other words... Will keep trying... but like I said.. day time moving shots are not too bad... whin... stubble still here .. along with the flint !! Just ploughing in though.. Brindle ( Willow) doing ok now.... hope to race her at the weekend....
  4. These are the crappiest pics ever !!! My daytime running pics are ok.. ish.. and have had some 'not too bad' ones but as soon as the natural light fades its blurr.. Mates who can help?? eerrrmm.. no just internet ones.. And these hares are near my friends place on the coast... not that far from where you visit at times... Yeh, may need to join some kind of camera club if I really have to...
  5. Ok.. I went for a walk yesterday evening.. from 6-7 ish.. On my walk I passed a few shy ones and tried to capture them before they took off... got a few feet from the squatter and still crap piccy... Now then... I don't know an F-stop from a bus stop and have my camera set in running mode most of the time for the dogs.. So whats happening? and what setting should I have for dawn and dusk shots.. daytime running shots seem fine.. I have an Olympus e-500 and cannot afford a new camera.. so am hoping you can help And he was off... I gave up but theres
  6. I have a ticket for sunday if anyone wants it... I'm not going so will need to post it PM me
  7. Good luck with the pup... And don't worry, my neighbour just got a pup and it kept them awake for 2 weeks.... but as good as gold now.. 12 weeks..
  8. He is nice... will you race him...? Lurchers? or Non-peds?
  9. A long way..... pah ! You'll sleep all the way ... I am looking forward to it but not sure Willow is gonna race... will see how she is.. Weather check... http://www.metcheck.com/V40/UK/FREE/7days....de=peterborough
  10. It's great to get pics of your dog running.. you must be chuffed with those pics.... I can see the tips in the second piccy...
  11. Thats great news But why refuse a donation to a rescue centre or lurcher club? Sounds like he has a good life ahead of him now..... well done to all involved...
  12. mooshka


    Happy Birthday.. !
  13. So has Freddie now gone? He looks nice.. Dixie looks in good shape... does he get out a lot? And your conure looks a nice bird but is it noisey?.. My Mother has one and it's proper noisey !! Not sure its the same type of bird though..
  14. mooshka

    xbox 360

    My lad has had his 360 elite for a good while now and never a problem
  15. I have a 2 yr old 3/4 Grey, had her from a pup, still no sign of a season. Not worried though as I don't want to breed and shes in fine form..
  16. Sounds good... Why you selling? atb..
  17. Well done Rich.. shes a lovely little bitch.... well they both are and not forgetting blue... See you soon...
  18. Admission In Advance On the Gate Adult in advance £6.00 on gate £7.50 Senior (65+) £4.50 £5.50 Child (5-16 years)* £3.00 £3.50 Family (2 adults + 2 children) £12.00 £15.00
  19. Penny its really hard to give advice on an injury without knowing the severity or seeing it close up. I too had a problem with Willows nail.. had it cut right back to nothing.. its growing back but still seems to be taking its time in getting right.. I now wish I had left it... how is your dogs nail today? Is it sore? Welshman.. can you explain more about the pot ash and its uses as I been have heard a lot about it recently...
  20. I'm not sure if there are laws regarding this and some stick to it Do you use the butcher regular.. weekely meat ect.. that always helps. I popped into one yesterday and he started going on about V.A.T.. !!! I have to BUY chicken carcasses by the box @ £6.. and he put a few extra bits in. Keep at it Hollie... you'll find a more helpful one, even if you have to drive to your next town...
  21. As I said on the other thread JW, I thought your responce was a little rude and bordering on the obnoxious (excuse my spelling ) but at the end of the day these other 'so called' 12-15 yr olds are doing exactly as you were. You were lucky and are kitted out now, so good luck with the season ahead. That doesn't mean that every other kid is a fraud and a scammer. Yes there are some and 'starterferreter' was one of them but I think that all the adults reading the posts can probably spot a scammer and a fraud... a mile away ... but you'll get the odd one who slips through. Some are genuine a
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