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Everything posted by mooshka

  1. I know what you're saying, too much speed and overshooting is very frustrating. Mine (3/4 grey 1/8 whippet 1/8 Saluki) used to do this, shes better now and all comes with lots of practice. I used to think it was because I raced her a lot but she's doing much better now at just over 2yrs old. Am sure yours will find her pace
  2. I buy some at every gamefair.. and that's quite a few... definitely the cheapest place to buy it Wrong time of year though..
  3. They are both lovely and look well sorted there.... I have 2 by the fire most nights but someone once told me it makes them grey early.... How old is the tri colour?
  4. She looks good.. an ideal daytime rabbiter I have a 5 month about the same height.. always busy.. Good luck with her.. she's definitely my cup of tea...
  5. That's bad luck.. she looks comfy there tho (Mine have the same pink spotty blanket) atvb for a speedy recovery.. not a bill you needed just before Christmas..
  6. yes I watched this last night and was very impressed with what little wastage there was..the fat was even used for the pudding. As you say they showed footage of the sequence from shot to the table.. very good Heres a link if you missed it... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0LIzAqMeGo
  7. Nice .. is there 1 missing? White one? Looking good ...
  8. Well done Billy they are such pretty little finches. I have them here, I can hear them but they've not come down to feed yet.. not sure if I would get any pics as I have a rubbish camera and have to sit 5ft away !! Lovely to see them..
  9. Good advice already given... Hope you get some traps soon.!! You definitely don't want decomposing longtails in your loft !! I have just dealt with mice in my loft and the bigger ones outside... hopefully keep them under control. Good luck ..
  10. The brindle pup is Beddy/Grey and the black is Whippet/col/grey /deerhound/beddy.. with a smidgen of bull Thanks.. no fear of that.. I'll be down again in the new year.. Hope your pups are doing well... Anytime.. am almost unpacked now...
  11. Sorry to hear this news..... hope you get the dogs back and all sorted very soon.
  12. A happy trio ... sorry, I couldn't ignore...
  13. This is my final addition, have always loved the brindle roughcoat so I was pleased when the opportunity came along to have this pup. I've had her a couple of months now, she hasn't grown much and now stands only nearly 18"tts at 5 months old. She is the sweetest, cheekiest, happiest pup and keeps herself very busy hunting up when out. A couple of people have asked to see her so thought I'd post some pics on here. Butter wouldn't melt.... Sit n stay... !
  14. How old is your pup? (or did I miss that) if its young then don't starve.. it needs regular well balanced meals. I buy decent raw.. lamb breast and minced beef from the butcher.Just need to be very careful with a pups digestive system. Chappie tinned food isn't too bad actually..(high percentage of fish and gentle on the stomach) so could mix some in. If all else fails.. cook your raw with veg,pasta or rice, then at least you know what its getting. Good luck..
  15. Thanks.. he was a little shy and took a while to come to the table... I thought he was a marsh/willow tit.. but as pics have shown is in fact a coal.... pretty little thing..
  16. These feed off the table in my front garden so thought I'd take a couple of pics and see how they came out.
  17. They're nice pics of the birds .. a lovely day .. blue sky.. looks nice..
  18. Providing she doesn't decide to eat it in the field....
  19. Well done... It was her first catch and she'll get the hang of it very soon.. the dummy will definitely help but am sure she will get the idea the more she catches. Good luck
  20. Lovely... they both look great.. good luck with the new addition...
  21. Spider looking great Hannah... the black lab X looks nice too...
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