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Everything posted by mooshka

  1. The one I enjoyed the most last year was Selby... Although we had a bit of the white stuff... ( snow, that is) it was a good weekend, well organised and a good crowd http://www.selbygamefair.co.uk/selby/index.htm
  2. Well done to you all.... looks like you had a good days racing.... and good weather too. !!!
  3. http://www.livingheritagecountryshows.co.u...try-fair/27.php
  4. Went on the Saturday.. Raced my Willow in the overs... She is awful in the show ring tho But had a great day !! Willow at Shugborough, won the over 23's straight racing. She is a small bitch at 23 and a half tts. I was very pleased with her as this was her first run since slicing her foot open on some flint in the field.
  5. You've done a great job with these, the time you have put in is evident .. all the best with the little bitch
  6. http://www.livingheritagecountryshows.co.u...try-fair/12.php http://www.metcheck.com/V40/UK/FREE/14days...ipcode=Grantham
  7. lol.. I thought I had a lot of dogs... there were 27 in there... well..... now 26.. I just love those faces...!!!!
  8. Great pix tracy, those 2 pix look a bit familar.. LOL was a great weekend.. slightly edited.. don't wanna scare the lurcher folk away... Yes, Rose it really was a great weekend and to come home with a little extra made it all the more enjoyable.... Tracey x
  9. Thanks for your observation Yes, It was a decision I made over that weekend to enter her in the overs as she has been winning all of the puppy racing. She will be 12 months on Sunday. Some people at this age have entered in both the puppies and the overs/unders but I felt that this would've been unsporting to take the puppy trophy home again when so many other 8/9month old pups were there and probably be there last pup racing event this season. However.. I was chuffed to buggery with her performance and had a great weekend;)
  10. Colt won at P.O.P the overs and Blaze Won at the previous days event at The Midlands with colt coming in second and my Willow in 3rd...
  11. First 10 Second.. Champion of Champions WINNER My Willow's Race She had a good run for a week off 12 months..I was thrilled with her My Little Whippet Racing and showing was superb
  12. Some good advice here.. but don't forget the insurance... Good luck.
  13. I think this is one of the best threads I have seen since I joined THL... Some absolute class photography and a great read... what a day you all had, by the looks....great stuff
  14. mooshka


    Oh Kay.. thats sad news.. so sorry.. R.I.P little Bess.. xx
  15. Enjoyed that ss.... Both the vid and the song.. !! A 'feel good' moment..
  16. Willow.. 6 months Willow 9 months Deedee.. my whippet and a lurcher... thanks B2H... Willow and her buddy at Selby.. Meg Jaspa
  17. I was equally impressed with the lurcher judge of the rabbiting class... he too did a great job and useful advise I meant to thank him but rushed off for the racing !!
  18. Had a good day today considering my late arrival due to an accident on the M11.. Willow won the Pup racing... and my lil Deedee had a run on the sim course.. She also got a 3rd in the rabbiting class... Also my Black 'fostered' Greyhound got a 2nd in the best rescue class.. I enjoyed the afternoon/evening...
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