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Everything posted by mooshka

  1. Looks great.. nice chest... any more pics... ? Is it a dog or bitch?
  2. Another nice looking little dog... every dog should be seen working before you commit and hand over your money Hope he gets a good home...
  3. Looks a lovely little Bitch... hope she gets a good home..
  4. Tea and a galaxy ..... Can't do sunday morning hangovers anymore... Wine and spirits still here from Christmas.... Ok.. maybe I'll have cointreau. At least I won't shit myself...
  5. I totally understand where you are right now and personally I don't think theres a solution.. if there is, I would pay good money for it. I have my older lurcher who is sound in the field and given the chance would have a good go at anything.... Great BUT he is an unpredictable git and very aggressive to other dogs.. no matter the size, shape or colour... he lives alongside my other bitches and has NEVER even grumbled at them. I have been given some really stupid advice at times.... had him neutered .... think this has made him worse !!!! He is muzzled when we go out in public plac
  6. This happened to me a few weeks ago. All around her nail bed was infected, swollen and looked like an abscess. had her on AB's and Anti-inflammatories.. had her up a Harewood where a few people looked at it for me and gave various bits of advice... So I bathed her foot for 5mins 2-3 times a day in salt water ( water as hot as she could stand) gently massaging it while bathing.. it started to improve after a couple of days and fine now.. although I do think that this will be a reoccurring as its happened before. Hope it heals..
  7. We all have to take a chance.. but both dogs will only be getting half of your time. I have taken on a pup.. he 19 weeks now.. I love him to bits and he has great potential. My older dog attacked the pup last weekend. I now find myself in a very difficult situation. Older dog has resented the time I am putting into the new recruit and has now taken a real dislike to the little fella. Just think about it very carefully.. it's a difficult one for you... good luck..
  8. Hannah.. it looks great.. you look great.. I am on a mac and all looks fine...
  9. Well, I will have my little say in this.... I race one of mine ( straight).. and we both get enjoyment out of a days racing. Shes a 25inch bitch and stands quietly watching the others slipped and chase the lure til its her turn to run... when she runs, she is focussed on the lure and NEVER turns her head ( yet...!) SO yes, it does piss me off when she gets on the line.. slipped, and the dog next to her pays no attention to what its supposed to be doing and hassles my bitch by bumping and on the back of her neck.... or trying to have a go at her! At harewood in a first heat. a guy had
  10. Works today.. had a look.. Let us know how you get on I've heard very mixed reports from these
  11. http://www.eventsandexhibitions.net/g_stabl.html
  12. A friend made mine from Ireland.. I know he used a starter motor from an old mini.. off ebay... this design has been copied a couple of times but could really do with being a bit smaller. I have 400yrds of builders line on mine... but would recommend something stronger. Good luck with making one....
  13. Well done Mally, and your assistant... nice one of Willow..(431) Nathan did a grand job too....
  14. Was good to meet you... the best gamefair I've been to
  15. Read this a while ago... Of all the terriers used to produce a lurcher, the bedlington is one of the most popular. The offspring of the first-cross bedlington greyhound have good feet, rough or broken jackets, a strong jaw, keen nose and bottomless courage. Hunting and marking comes naturally to the bedlington greyhound, making it an ideal lurcher for rabbit and fox work. It is true to say of the bedlington greyhound that ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going’. Although the first cross is often too slow to take hare regularly, it is not through lack of trying. Most first
  16. Link doesn't work for me.. but I found this old thread.... http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/lofiv...php/t64631.html
  17. I had the same problem.. was both ends though... :sick: She just couldn't help it....!! I was loaded up with kitchen roll.. wet wipes.. spray and carrier bags on every journey!! She was the worst I had ever known. I used traveleeze travel sick tablets for long journeys..(over 45 mins) and these definitely helped I would drive 10- 15 mins and stop.. let her out for some air and empty and go again... that was if she hadn't thrown up first !! She was crated. She now sits in front on seat and appears to be much better.. whether that is due to growing out of it or seeing out of the wi
  18. A lovely looking dog.... I do love those Greyhound/beddys.... Good luck with your dogs
  19. The beddy X looks like she had some fun there.. one of my favourite beaches too.. was there a couple of weeks ago Did your pup go too? Lovely shots of your dogs having fun..
  20. http://www.triggerpointbook.com/neckpain.htm http://www.naturaltherapypages.co.uk/massa...CFURM5Qod9FuN3g Hope you get it sorted... it sounds terribly painful....
  21. Glad your dog is ok after Saturday? or was it Sunday?.. I get a little thrown off course at bank holidays.. We had a great weekend.. Willow got reserve Over 23's straight racing champ the Sunday and Champ on the Monday..... Striker got 1st in 0-6mth rough puppy class So was well worth the trip... Spent too much as usual.. See you soon...
  22. Thanks rich..thats my 3/4 grey...1/8Whippet....1/8 Saluki (Willow)

  23. Thanks....Well, it will be a challenge that's for sure. A first long run for her.... We're looking forward to it
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