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Everything posted by salukiman

  1. someone should show the real side to foxes
  2. i have two litters of kitts that have come from two sisters . the diference between the two is vast now they have given birth. before and during the pregnancy they have been them selves with out much change at any stage . the litters are about a week apart and one of the mums has been great letting me in with her kits and to check her over where her sister is savage i removed a dish to replenish her water today she shot across her hutch and rattled her teeth on the dish. its not a problem she will come round again. just an observation , suprised me as she is the most plasid laid back stin
  3. 20pounds is madness sounds like you will have a lot that wont go and your be giving them away later on. i have kits that are from working stock that are prooven at what they do mine are avalible to the right people at a fiver most are accounted for though
  4. i think as long as the dog has the forsight to preserve its self when needed or to drive forward it will do ok. my season rolls around the ferrets so a dog that has the brains to predict its quarry is much better for me they dont need top be bullets after a rabit if they can take it as its exits the warren or steer it into a long net.
  5. i twist off the wings put my fingers under the skin and rip out the crown goes through the mincer
  6. i am out on sunday been four times in the week hard work at the moment
  7. accent fresh are a company that will buy them from you and if you can find them alot they will want an account. i went on holiday a few years ago on truffle money
  8. dont worrie about names find a dog of the breeding you want for the improovment your looking for and watch over the seasons you will will know then with your own eyes. no hype no mistakes
  9. i found the tug training brilliant the game is the whole process but the center of the exitement is the tug and the retrieve simply becomes a means to re enter the most exiting part of the game . the best part is the bond building the result is a dog that retrieves right into the palm of your hand but when you see the look in your dogs eyes i think you will see its more then that. look it up think it will work for you . there are rules to it so look it up first
  10. i keep three of mine in an avary style run with a house inside. the run is 3 ft wide 6ft high and 7 ft long. made from 2by2 frame and fetheredge back wire is 16 guage inch squares.the roof has a six inch overhang.with drainage dug all around a slab bace. the house is a frame work with shiplap on the outside and t and g oninside with polystyrine in the hollow as insulation .pitched roof all on stilts. the hight will help with thier nails staying short as they slide down the wire.i use straw as bedding.they have branches on the floor and drainage tubing tied down linking different
  11. kits and mum doing well. sorry cant get photo on
  12. love lamping when its hammering it down the noise it creates is perfect not a sole about have found there is less about but getting closer un noticed gets a better bag
  13. get out there without your dog dressed smart car cleaned and at a good time not tea time with all you details house adress were you work car reg tel numbers and meet them face to face. first thing i always do is apolagise for knocking at the door as a conversation started with an apolagy put the sence of controll to the other person and normaly starts them off with its ok. you need to show your keen and knolageble honest and trustworthy if you have ferrets all the better much easier to get ferreting permission then lamping
  14. cant remember how or who i got into it with done it for so long , what keeps me going though is the chance to work out the result train the dog and have something local and free to cook with obove all though its being out in the field dawn is a special time of day
  15. keep the ferret feed it look after it. it didnt ask to be a working ferret got as much right to life as anything else
  16. i have put my name on a puppy from a litter born a week ago. breeding is beddi whippet back to whippet(non ped) i would like the bitch to turn rough question is do any of you beddi whippet owners have pics of your dogs very young and how they are now to help me judge. thanks
  17. insted of moaning write to them , give them what you want to read. someone commented on stagg carter what were his articals like i ferret with him all the time fck he can talk his wife makes wicked soup though
  18. hello all got a few questions about castration how does effect the ferrets ability to work. does it change thier atitude towards it. like agression prey drive and so on when jills come into season is there any behavour difference. like fighting with other hobs housed together( if all castrated) an entiere hob will become consumed by mating is all this lost with castration i find myself under more pressure to extend the ferreting season and wondered if a team of castrated hobs could allow my season to not end
  19. gestation is 42 days so plenty of time yet to start showing would be conserned if she wasnt showing two weeks from the end each ferret is different like all living things going to have to wait im afraid
  20. Clue lite for me the secondry bulb is handy and the hinged filter is better than the push on type
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