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About Coconut

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  1. Border put in them as an outcross 30 year ago atb
  2. Grantor would have border blood in them
  3. No problem people think they can use any bedlington over any greyhound most working bedlington have an outcross in they’re make up especially if they’re not light blue/liver/or liver and blue if you want genuine first x stay away from black and chocolates atb
  4. I’ve had them long enough to know what’s what atb
  5. There’s no such thing as a chocolate bedlington liver/blue/liver and blue atb
  6. Any dark coloured bedlingtons will have an outcross in it atb
  7. I know he’s no been well in a long time mate
  8. Spot on GSP not GWP yes very good dogs for speed and stamina as the lads said diffrent breed altogether GWP are plodders not many will catch fox or rabbit a GSP will atb
  9. Lol well the experience I’ve had and heard about GWP and crosses they have heart defects I’ve 3 here at the moment and doing ok but the dog I’ve here his full brother died this year so fingers crossed mine will be fine atb
  10. It depends how good your lurchers nose his hounds only hunts as fast as his nose
  11. Well these are all diffrent lines of Gwp and too a mixed bred lurchers as said a pointer hunts slow the plod along a Lurcher hunts faster when crossed if it follows the pointers heart it will give up atb
  12. I lost one 2 year ago so bred a litter off diffrent lines and the pup I give to a mate died in jan this year on the mountain same thing blood from nose and mouth
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