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Everything posted by rogern

  1. Disgusting, everything in that vid from start to finish is what the antis prey on, just a bunch of retarded yankee amatuers. The guide should stick to knitting "ya hit it with the first" just about sums up the mentality of these people, I bet the deer loved that first gut shot.
  2. I know of one in Wicklow if thats any help to you. I think there is one in Cahir aswell.. WILL ASK AROUND AND GET BACK TO YOU.. I didnt know there is red deer in Tipp...I thought it was full of Fallow. Thanks dwighet, escapees I think, any help appreciated Regards
  3. Hi Does anyone know of Game (Venison) dealers in southern Ireland, there will be about 12-15 Red stags culled in the Tipparary area in Sept/Oct, I have no larder facility so would need to get them collected pretty quick. Thanks in advance
  4. I am with Baldie on this, talk to BASC before anyone else, if you are not a member then talk to your own organisation, if you aint a member of any, tut, tut tut.
  5. The Airgun BBs forum guys all praise the DM80, so much so that i would love to buy one for a .204. I have emailed him but cant get a reply, they say he is hard to get hold of so any help would be appreciated. Regards
  6. Yep, I wish you luck as well mate. DO NOT PUT HIS RELOADS IN YOUR RIFLE, if you buy his rifle as well then maybe thats ok (if you trust someone elses reloads) His reloads are ok in his rifle, they will not be ok in a different one. There are so many diffences between rifles, even the same make & calibre. DONT DO IT PS. if I read the post wrong and you are buying the rifle that the reloads were made for, so be it, I would never trust any one elses reloads, who do you go to if you loose your face or fingers or worse??
  7. I've read loads of good reports about DM80's mods, and no bad ones. I just wish i could get at him to order one for my .204 but its quite a job I hear to contact him, I've tried email. I dont even know what a DM80 looks like, the spec etc, weight, length, diameter.
  8. Please dont tell me whats what, when i have shot more deer most likely then you have had hot dinners sir. Now go and get some proper experince, instead of hiding behind your computer, accusing folk of nowt you know about!!!!!! There you go again, how do you know all these things you havnt a clue how many deer i've shot how do you reply to posts without "hiding behind your computor"? whats up frank, cant handle someone questioning your methods. Ta Ta
  9. Head shots on a rutting red with a hornet, yea right Four 125 grain bullets from a 25-05 into a red stags head at 40 yards last year and still he was'nt dead. You know for a fact do you frank? hows that work then?
  10. assuming she is not already gunshy you have got to start very carefully. Take her out with a friend with say a 410 or unmoderated rimfire, get him to fire the gun when you are 2-300 yds away while you are making a big fuss of her. If thats ok then gradually reduce the distance until she is comfortable, gradually work up to 12 bore, remember though, we humans are deaf compared to a dog so slowly slowly is the way. Another way is to take her to a clay shoot, sit in the car with her on your lap, again a couple of hundred yards away with the window closed to start with, then start drop
  11. We can shoot many species of wildlife, for example Deer can be hunted 365 days a year in Scotland and most of the year in England & Wales, In most of the 'states' you only have about a 6 week window or thereabouts as I understand it, and that would be scary, thousands of armed individuals trying to fill their 'tag' in such a miniscule amout of time. We just can not kill any wild animal with an arrow/bolt, we can live with that and I know a few americans who would give thier right arm to have such long hunting seasons as us
  12. An Order was made under Section One of the Pests Act 1954 by which England and Wales (except for the City of London, the Isles of Scilly and Skokholm Island) were declared a Rabbit Clearance Area. In this area, every occupier of land is responsible for destroying wild rabbits on his/her land or for taking steps to prevent them causing damage. This is a continuing obligation. Your farmer should make a complaint in writing to Railtrack as THEY are responsible, if they do not act he should sue for the damage. If you get caught on land over which you do not have permission you could be pro
  13. That little girl holding the Pinkfoot looks so happy you would think she shot it! Nice to see them being introduced so young.
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