Im sceptical they’re here but also hopeful that they are!
The recent video taken by teenagers in the Peak District is laughable the fact that sheep are lay down relaxing within 50 yards of ‘big black cat’ tells you all you need to know that it’s not a big cat at all.
I’m soft as shite mate for me it was a great ending to his story. Dogs dying whilst out working is bloody awful news and that’s where thought he was taking us ??
i castrated my terrier last year and regret it. Very difficult / near impossible to get him looking well hes gone dumpy, fed the same as ever and does more exercise now than ever along side the bike with the lurcher, walked couple hours a day etc. Hes still fit and able just cant get him to his best! My opinion.
Usual pre season scaremongering post from the coppers you can guarantee at least one police force will wheel out this old photo saying they’ve caught some coursing lads, same picture every year
I can’t find an answer to my question in the search bar so here goes. I ask on here as this is my first lurcher since I was a young lad and my old man passed away a few years ago.
My dogs 19 months old now. 24” and did well on rabbit and knocked a couple long ears over end of the season so I’m really pleased with him ??
However, he’s puppyish in certain aspects. He’s only been cocking his leg to piss the last few months. Around strange dogs he’s very submissive to the point he’ll roll over or run away.
Does this submissive softness equal that he would not make a fox dog?
ah i see, i give him a stroke mate truth be told hes a good dog usually only gets a telling when he hits the terrier a bit hard, hes a young dog and just plays a bit rough sometimes, i could do with another lurcher for him to chase after?
Do you mean work does the dog do? If so … mainly rabbit lamping, mooching ferreting. Loves getting behind hares although obviously never be a match winner. And he’ll be on fox this winter, flushing to a gun obviously ? ??
Mine does something similar he’ll trot perfectly by my side after a telling and very gently nibble my fingers as my arms swing. I’ll go from pissed off to all is forgiven in seconds little bastrd knows it as well ?
sorry to hijack the thread but do people not mind feeding the kibble with grain? A lot is said about grain free being best just wondering what people think on that matter as im not sure ?
the Clu lite PLR 500 is a good little hand held lamp. Comes with red filter, car charger and mains charger and is about £60, spot on for small to mid sized land and get about 2-3 hours shining out of a single charge ?
I seen this young dog come up for rehoming today and thought he looked a bit long in the leg and wondered wether there be some sighthound in him? I know next to nothing of the breed though so probably wrong! if I had the space I’d have him.
Aup Greb. I havnt seen that many in one area where I live since I was teen I’d say. Over 15 years ago mate. Exciting times if they’re on the up again. Not many lads round me run dogs or shoot either.