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Everything posted by Borr

  1. I had to turn radio four off when a politician (I believe) was saying that the NHS was the perfect example of the benefits of multiculturalism , none of them are willing to say stop. Infrastructure can't cope, education and health can't cope, social services can't cope the population living in austerity for a decade , it's madness. They can create a special department to arrest angry people but still the boats come.
  2. Didn't they have a cobra meeting about emptying the prisons last week.....
  3. I'm hoping he's made aware of the feeling of discontent throughout the whole country. But there's always that feeling that nobody in power has a grasp of public opinion...
  4. I think the previous government has proven to be more supportive of mass illegal immigration...
  5. Missus is digging spuds with the youngest whilst me and number 1 prep snackage with led Zeppelin in the background , life's good.
  6. Stoicism, humour, pride , arrogance, determination, tea, fish and chips, beer , engineering, quirks and characters, language and dialects, modesty , showing off, think there's a million things but we're different to any other nation I've been to , most notably by our social manners and humour I would say.
  7. I try and check myself, I've walked out of plenty of supermarkets, I seem to be cursed at checkouts , normally don't mind old dears who don't get out much , but middle age women who take forever and at last minute produce vouchers , then oh wait I've got these too.. fucks sake , that's or the ones that seem to have family days out in a shop chatting in isle. In a pub I only get impatient if staff are stood around yapping whilst people are waiting to be served. I think I'm fairly patient in work , I've a young lad doing summer work with me , bit of a genius on paper but somewhat above his stati
  8. Fair play , little bit under for me...
  9. Borr


    Lad done good...
  10. Borr

    BBQ Smoker

    Kinnel lol , ain't they got a yard or something , I guess that ain't a hog roast...
  11. Borr

    Nice visit

    Great stuff ray
  12. Borr

    BBQ Smoker

    I'm getting these on in the morning for a low and slow... Trying a light BBQ sauce as binder and rub is vegeta salt , sea salt , black pepper, smoked paprika,garlic granules, cayenne and a touch of sage and cinnamon.
  13. Borr

    Warm nights

    I've got to be in the warmest hotel room ever, it's on ground floor , I got door and windows open . Reckon I'm down about 8hrs kip this week lol. Had a thunderstorm at 4.30 pm which seemed to cool thing off after most humid day of the week... Anyway Friday today, happy Friday folks....
  14. Borr


    Short version. Also
  15. Borr

    Yorkshire day

    Convicted Yorkshiremen....
  16. Borr

    Yorkshire day

    Happy Yorkshire day bob, , Dave's top and tailing with you at the comp apparently....
  17. Tickets are tax deductable so worth getting never know when that banging job turns up but must have tickets and start Monday...
  18. Borr


    The devil drink, agreed
  19. Seem to be hit and miss in supermarket, gristle spoils them for me I had some cracking ones from co-op then rubbish ones went to Sainsbury's they were great , then next ones were duffers.
  20. I regretted the burger , it was a moment of panic . Will my appetite be appeased by a jacket spud , It was.
  21. Reform leader and Essex Nigel Farage speaks out after 'machete fights' in Southend WWW.ECHO-NEWS.CO.UK Further disturbing footage showed several people running across... Police need to start shooting anyone with machete /zombie knife
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