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Everything posted by Borr

  1. No sir I believe you're mistaken.... although it may well be , maybe some heathens put their beer on my table , just can't seem to find a reputable establishment these days...
  2. Last night's stodge, had fish goujons tonight...
  3. I've had a mare, contortionist manoeuvres for most of day....
  4. It's more interesting than the presidential candidate, after Rogan and Peterson's take on it , it would seem he has better people around him, he's had years to learn the game now , vance musk and a few more interesting characters to boot.
  5. You've already been proven wrong...
  6. Looks like a clear win .... We can live vicariously through American politics lol.
  7. Deer and badger splatted all over the roads if I see a road kill rabbit or fox I think what a shame , times have changed lol
  8. Well going by BBC radio this morning Kamala has it in the bag....by one poll in Iowa
  9. Think the olde oak in Winchester is also the oldest pub in England lol...
  10. Nail bomber manhunt. https://youtu.be/r-Bp2L4UHak?feature=shared And eventually see the rest of this ....https://youtu.be/gF3gZicntIw?feature=shared Rebel ridge.
  11. Borr


    Put it back in the monopoly box .....
  12. If anyone enjoys Keaton, the founder and beetle juice are worth a watch...I think the founder is underrated...
  13. Frog crunching surrender monkeys works better I find....
  14. Sounds like an air fryer job to me Arry lol
  15. Yeah confident thing, not phased by anything, quite wild teething and jumps up. I don't see much of it , goes everywhere with the wife , she's happy with it . Pup Plagues the older bitch who has accepted it's not prey so they're kept apart unless being walked etc. settles in a crate. All good , all nose to the ground , does school walk everyday. Cheers for asking .
  16. Probably in regard to the lead on jig heads, carcinogenic. The other stuff is to stop the soft lures sticking together.
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