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Everything posted by Borr

  1. I don't believe those stats..seems incredibly high , what's that like 20 million people, was this survey taken in dai's village...
  2. Borr


    Most go to NZ and Australia from UK I believe...
  3. Borr


    $300 for a donut in Canada...
  4. Borr

    New Project

    I've enjoyed seeing your success, cheers for posting
  5. That's got 'shot by police' all over it
  6. I'm in favour of the death penalty for any serial offenders regards sex crimes , murder etc. one offs are far more open to miscarriage...
  7. He'll be asking for crepes at least
  8. Shrove dissent or pancake protest....
  9. Unfortunately the liberal left has pushed us into a corner , flooded us with migrants legal and illegal from cultures different to our own until we are literally swamped and fighting for our own culture and identity, musk has it right when he describes it as suicide by empathy....
  10. They're banned from tractors apparently, I see a food shortage on the cards....
  11. Borr

    Trump Ukraine

    Stop being a pussy...the man is fighting for Europe's freedom of speech as we don't have the backbone ..after that Europe becomes a police state as we're seeing...
  12. Borr

    Trump Ukraine

    I think Peter hitchins has it down when he says there are no friends merely allies. I also think this American government as musk points out in his podcast is the most revolutionary since the war of independence. The man will in all likelihood be assassinated, he states that he'll go after waste but fraud will get him killed primarily NGOs as that is the main way of syphoning tax payers money. As for Ukraine does it benefit America to have a war not really I believe trump is genuine in his dislike for war. Does Europe rely on America for defense yes. We only paid America back in
  13. I was on a boggy moor and there was acres of spawn , lots of dead spawn and loads still in jelly I guess the frost got a lot of it...
  14. Beautiful day mate enjoy, I'm in an indoor pool while kids have their training , it's a bit tropical....
  15. Borr


    Relevant to the EU UK migration program...
  16. Might be the most important thing I've watched regarding political societal stuff. Tells you what is coming to the UK and Europe, suicidal empathy....
  17. A few rabbits, enough to entertain the dogs , Saturday lunchtime isn't prime time for seeing much other than dog walkers
  18. Borr

    Trump Ukraine

    The promise will be NATO never inviting Ukraine to the fold and Ukraine getting it's house in order repayment to US and Russia doing deals with the states instead of china.,.
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