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About Roughhunt88

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Nearly 8 months old now, had are ups n downs but he's getting there won't be long and I'll get him out doing abit
  2. Yeah itching to get it out and see what it’s like I also have a new scope a lot lighter and smaller than the hawke and seems to suit it better will see how it goes. Atb
  3. Got it back together it’s like a different gun, I can balance a pellet on top it won’t fall of when fired, recoil is a totally different feel now still there but hardly and it doesn’t jump like before, no twang at all just a sharp thud firing cycle feels a lot better a Great kit that was easy to fit bit of sanding the guide and took 10mm of so fit perfect. the tweaks to trigger makes a massive difference as well I just set back the first stage and got rid of creap it cracks now, I used a smear of molly on spring and piston then I used dry moly spray in cylinder pleased with the end result, I
  4. Mum was 25tts dad was 26tts he was first born and biggest, I’ll try find pics of parents when I finish work
  5. Little update on the 99, so I stripped it down and gave it a clean and relube just to see if I could all went well but still quite abit of twang. So it’s now currently in bits and I’ve polished piston, spring ends and polished ears on end of cocking arm, removed spring from delrin in cocking arm and sanded it where needed, ive ordered a tbt kit so just waiting on that not sure how long they take but hopefully early next week. A guy on fb talked me through the whole process I’ve even managed to tweak the trigger so all in all if kit fits with not to much bother it was a lot easier than I though
  6. Doing well so far put on another 3kg since last post, he’s a natural around cover and jumps for fun seems to have abit of speed for a gangly pup but time will tell. Got a feeling he’s going to make 26-27tts
  7. I’ve been looking for a new scope to put on a hw99s it’s the only rifle I got I have a hawke fast mount 3-9x40ao on it that I bought when I got my sons rifle but due to his size he couldn’t get eye relief so I ordered some sportsmatch mounts and stuck it on the 99. It’s ok but I find the recticle to thick when out at distance, has anyone on here had or owned the vortex diamondback 3-9x40? It looks a good scope and reviews look good comes with a lifetime warranty I think but I can’t find one local to look at it so going to have to order online. The recticle in pics I’ve seen look good but would
  8. Abit of advice please? I’ve watched loads of videos on stripping down the 99 and I feel happy to strip it but not so sure I would like to tune it so the question is if I strip it down clean it and polish it myself and by some bum slide then re install it back to original will it make much of a difference? Is there anything else I can do as in lubing oiling while it’s apart to make it better? While there I’ll remove spring from plastic in cocking arm and free up knuckle abit and see if it’s rubbing anywhere sand we’re appropriate, am I right in thinking this will stop any future gauling? Any ad
  9. Pups doing well dont stop growing, he is 3 months tomorrow weighing in at 11kg. Making a strong pup
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