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Everything posted by lakieman

  1. Good to see , some clowns would try and take her with there jumped up bull X
  2. Give me boringly consistent every day of the week
  3. What more has a terrier got to do than be boringly consistent though mate.There is no more higher acolaide for a terrier than to stay week in week out .I dont read much more into it than that ,as that there is the ultimate ,for me anyway .
  4. On a grouse moor they have to go end off can't expect to go digging on ground all winter then keeper asks in April for you to do dens and you say no because it's not the done thing they would never let you back on
  5. It would be near impossible to wipe out all foxes on an estate etc with terriers alone during winter months they lay out to often to put a serious dent in them
  6. Best seeing it dug a few times if parting with serious cash lot of dogs can do one dig
  7. just my opinion through working both and would never use a terrier for bushing there meant for groundwork spaniels are bred for pushing game out of cover and have never seen a spaniel not going through thick cover that a terrier would
  8. Better off with a spaniel work cover far better than a terrier
  9. The strong stuff fast clip were really bad for dogs getting off all the time
  10. Out of curiosity where on earth do you get a good black dog for a fraction of the price find it near impossible to get a well bred pup I have been lucky and never had to buy dogs,but if i wanted one of these German dogs I would not consider 800 to much money.If good black dogs are that plentiful(they are not)why are people looking for working dogs on here all the time?There is a lot more shit black dogs than good ones.If I wanted an outcross i would have no hesitation putting a good Jadg into a line of blacks or Lakeland. Lakieman, same as liam i have never had to buy a terrier and hop
  11. Out of curiosity where on earth do you get a good black dog for a fraction of the price find it near impossible to get a well bred pup
  12. Hope all goes well and you get what your looking for
  13. Sorry lads the site is still there he's selling portraits of dogs now £50 lol
  14. I was involved lads, he put up a post about pups must go to working homes he wanted proof of where they were going etc then the next day it mentioned they were £250 each, I said c'mon £250 for a terrier pup they should be free to good working home or at worse a lot less than £250 another lad who was in his booksaid well said the posts we removed by bluck so I questioned this along with a few others and we were all removed including the lad that was in his book.So I went back on today using my mates password to see mr bluck had been saying his pups are guaranteed to make workers and what do we
  15. Well said dee cant understand why men would breed of a bitch that isnt doing the job well, its a bad way of thinking to say its a dogs game ,Most of the digging dogs I've had have been bitch's . You have to ask yourself if the bitch was a dog would you breed from it if the answer is no then you shouldn't breed from her simple as that
  16. thats comes back to the point of it being a line fault then. or a fault in the dog.cull and move on. and more importantly why the feck anyone would keep a dog that cant be trusted. there are thousands out there that can that are doing the job. sounds like a f*****g nightmare to me. cull a working terrier because it cant be trusted arund livestock what planet you from
  17. how anyone can come up with the breeding of a dog from a pic is beyond me maybe if it looked the double of that particular breed but yours doesnt it is just a black pat
  18. we have a dog that we got out a pet home at 5 year old it was off good stuff we gavse it a chance and its flying now there are never to old to start
  19. who the f**k are you

  20. it is far from the best now maybe years ago it was but no its crap unless you were to get a pup from someone who has had garys line for years
  21. is that kenny that kids on he works his dogs
  22. performance should come first everytime i would never breed from a dog coz it looked good or it had 2 balls if the dog with one nut was the better worker he would be covering the bitch wouldnt even have to think about it what happens if you own that dog of a lifetime and he maybe is shaped funny maybe dosent have the type of coat specific to the breed as you would say maybe has bowed front legs or one nut your saying you would never breed from it your miles out mate stick to your teckels
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