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Everything posted by spookster

  1. I should have said, bit unfair, but I think the bells and muzzle may be a girlie thing I have to say so myself even if I don't like stereoptyping! Love salukis and have had a few! I do think about rabbiting jenny, Dino would love it, spook would to start I think, but he didn't show interest in the hare. Seems to be a deer man. Though he did enjoy lure coursing, so who knows!
  2. didn't know there were hare there, as they have only appeared this year, didn't see any last year. Not one of my usual walks just head out there about once a month. The game keeper didn't say anything but did approach my friend with her lurchers previous to that day and said he didn't want long dogs on the hill as they were losing loads of deer So was a bit worried as he is obviously down on long dogs and I had two with me! Though one wears a muzzle in deer country and they both have bells on to try and worn the deer off! I know you think I am mad but ha ho thats what we do Has yo
  3. didn't know there were hare there, as they have only appeared this year, didn't see any last year. Not one of my usual walks just head out there about once a month. The game keeper didn't say anything but did approach my friend with her lurchers previous to that day and said he didn't want long dogs on the hill as they were losing loads of deer So was a bit worried as he is obviously down on long dogs and I had two with me! Though one wears a muzzle in deer country and they both have bells on to try and worn the deer off! I know you think I am mad but ha ho thats what we do Has yo
  4. didn't know there were hare there, as they have only appeared this year, didn't see any last year. Not one of my usual walks just head out there about once a month. The game keeper didn't say anything but did approach my friend with her lurchers previous to that day and said he didn't want long dogs on the hill as they were losing loads of deer So was a bit worried as he is obviously down on long dogs and I had two with me! Though one wears a muzzle in deer country and they both have bells on to try and worn the deer off! I know you think I am mad but ha ho thats what we do
  5. who mentiond you leaven bud? I know what your saying tho, you will be surprised how addictive hunting is for most its just a hobby but when it becomes an obsession it cant be frightning my advice dont buy a terrier you dont already have one you will never go back ! It wasn't you it was timmy and tony85n , have asked why I am here, even after saying why I am here tony85 seems scared? I really don't want to worry people! I know it can be a worry, my lurcher chased a hare the other day, just as we bumped into the game keeper , he didn't catch but I was shitting myself, It happened so q
  6. Thanks for the advice! I told you why I am on here, which is what I said when I introduced myself when I joined! I have running dogs and like to read a learn about running dogs! I couldn't be an anti with the dogs I have, they may not be the best workers but are lurchers and have and instinct to chase and kill! So would be difficult for someone like me to be against hunting, even tho I don't hunt! I can leave if bothers you? I certainly wouldn't want to give you 'the spooks'! Spook is my dogs name! I am aware of where I can get saluki pups from working stock and I have had my question an
  7. Nice picture, We say a big one in the field today when we were out! Stood watching us for a while then headed up the hill!
  8. So why dont you just get another mellow (or one that would suit you) Adult that has failed to work? Would that not be the best option all round, for you and the dog too. Well I have been thinking pup because you then aren't taking on someone elses problems! Most of my hounds have come as rescues , some have come as young dogs! You don't always get adults that are mellow with regards to temperament. I need cat safe which I have managed in the past with the adults I have taken on. Just getting advice and checking what would happen if i approaced someone for a pup! I am thinking of a fu
  9. That is good advice thanks!! Suppose really what I am looking for, honest advice not to argue about my dogs be great killing machines, which they are not, as it isn't what we do!!
  10. If they are pet only how would you know? Obviously not evey badly bred dog is going to be a bad dog. But your chances are much higher if you get a well bred dog, obviously. Oh and why are you on a hunting forum if you dont hunt I am on a hunting form to learn about running dogs! I posted a while back to see if there were any objections! You obviously missed that post as you didn't object? I have had running dogs for the last 16years so I enjoy reading about them! Is that a problem? It may suprise you that pet/rescued lurchers do get out and about. They don't just go to the park and
  11. If they are pet only how would you know? Obviously not evey badly bred dog is going to be a bad dog. But your chances are much higher if you get a well bred dog, obviously. Oh and why are you on a hunting forum if you dont hunt I am on a hunting form to learn about running dogs! I posted a while back to see if there were any objections! You obviously missed that post as you didn't object? I have had running dogs for the last 16years so I enjoy reading about them! Is that a problem? It may suprise you that pet/rescued lurchers do get out and about. They don't just go to the park and
  12. I agree your dogs are not really what a pet home requires and best left for working homes!! At the same time I think you may be suprised at what some pet only dogs are capable of!!
  13. Good points, but I think most 'pet' lurchers are still capable of taking deer and pet owners need to be awae of that. I presume a couple of my rescues were failed workers, but i still need to have control over them or they would take a deer every walk! My lot are cat friendly and live with cats, they know cats are not on the menu!!
  14. weather is great today, I think it is 21degrees at the moment Was going to go into work but decided I'm not that dedicated We wondered around for a couple of hours Her is Spook scanning the Checking out the peramitors enjoying the view the mad lurcher decided enough of sitting around The old saluki girl pretends she's a lady until she gets in to the pig shit :sick: licking her lips thats her happy now the boys were to busy to be bothered with pig shit This is what my lot get up to most days, pleased I didn't go to work!
  15. I was just wondering looking at the 'Saluki' post would people on here sell their pups to pet homes? I don't work my hounds but I do believe I give my lot a great life. So was wondering if you were apporached by someone like me would you sell?
  16. Thanks it was after midnight and it was a very still quiet night! last year, about 3pm someone shot a pheasant that landed dead in my drive
  17. Here is a picture from my back gate there are loads of fox and deer around, but there isn't anything around that the fox would be damaging? The land owner has been approached by people to ask permission to shot, they have been told no as it just isn't suitable where it is. A lot of people wonder around the woods as it is near a holiday spot!
  18. I know nothing about guns so thought I would ask. last night about midnight, maybe a bit latter. There were two very loud bangs. I would say they were close but not sure how far the sound carries, as it was a quiet calm night. It was loud enough that two of the dogs were scared and the saluki was in a state most of the night! The land where I live is private and there is no shooting allowed! There has been a guy going about for the last couple of weeks on a quad bike coming right down to my gate. The land owner has been trying to get him to find out what he is up to! So I was just wondering ho
  19. Sorry I missundersttod thought you meant you just got him over from Ireland!
  20. Nice looking dog looks like he has been with you all his life! How old is he?
  21. Nice picture, I love watching the cubs playing!
  22. Nice looking dog. love salukis great dogs! They do make the best house dogs
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