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Everything posted by Abullx

  1. Ok thanks I’ll give both ways a try
  2. Yh supposed to be easier to breed in avairy I’ve heard
  3. What would people recommend for breeding goldfinch, separating c & h or leave together in avairy just before breeding season
  4. Yh it’s her first litter
  5. What people view on breeding a 8 year old bitch 22inch to a 27 1/2 inch dog, would you say she’s to old and small for him all it is I would like a pup from her only problem she’s getting on abit
  6. Ok I’m sure it’s still got creatine in it, yh I’m thinking about changing to more of a raw diet
  7. Yh I don’t give no meat with it but thought the food gives that bit extra energy late on Into the night
  8. What do people think about Australian formula, don’t see a lot of people use it but I’ve fed it to mine last couple seasons and thought they worked well and looked good on it
  9. Thought so mate. I have a half brother to Thor. I’ll message you
  10. Nice dogs that Thor dog is he a black and white dog
  11. Ok is it 1 ml to every 10 kg
  12. Ok and nothing yet just in the future
  13. Anyone know if pen and strep can be used on dogs,
  14. Ok atb with them, I’ve got two here from jake and my bitch 22 months old so first season coming up
  15. Alright did you use his blue dog or his son for that blue brindle
  16. Ok thanks I’ll give that a go next time
  17. The Stud dog was nothing to do with bitches line
  18. Ok i ai her 5 times from 9 to 20 but she absorbed them apparently That’s 2 years running now and she also just comes in once a year so I’ll try again next and see what happens
  19. I did think she might be by looking at him, thought you like your racer dogs, your dog wouldn’t be related to flick in Ireland by any chance Would he
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