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Everything posted by Abullx

  1. Ok I’ll give that a go mate, thanks
  2. I heard they start from may so hopefully get something soon
  3. Alright mate I’ve noticed them feeding each other like you said but haven’t looked like building, they are in a double breeder so might have to put them in the avairy if that’s what you had them in
  4. Had a bully pair build up in avairy and a canary built in there so hopefully a Goldie cock has jump on then in breeders 2 round on clear eggs from 1 pair so I’ll change cock and got around 10 eggs due to hatch soon from other mule pairs so fingers crossed couple there what about you how you getting on
  5. Ok thanks I’ll give it a go
  6. Mainly coccidiosis and internal parasites
  7. How often do you treat your birds as a precaution and what do you use
  8. Yh I done that test 2 year ago on same bitch from day 7 - 18 and never said she was ready once and ai her From day 8 - 20 last year every 2 days and nothing but she did have pups 3 year ago so I know she can get pregnant so just wondering what the earliest at lasted people have had them stand
  9. What the earliest and latest people have bred bitches and do you trust getting blood tested
  10. Alright I was wondering if anyone had ever bred multiple breeds in a avairy mixed in together as looking to breed goldies and odd pair of Siskin and bully in a 12x6 avairy
  11. Ok fair enough and that makes sense for ringing thanks
  12. Alright when people breed full goldfinch in double breeders what do you prefer external or internal nest or don’t you think it matters and has anyone been successful using a artificial light in there bird room thanks
  13. Yh thought that’s how much they were when I ordered them but didn’t shop round but deposit was already paid
  14. Yh I know bit pricey but pleased with outcome
  15. Yh was decent show, i ordered them an around a year ago I think cost me £830 for both. Sindasox
  16. I remember someone asked about for recommendations for someone to make them a stick I just got these back from Simon heath sticks on Facebook
  17. Yh i know that but you up your chances, i bred a litter ( 2 1/2 now) one worked out so far one never only 2 in litter but now looking for a racier pup
  18. Yh like you say the people using the right bulls keep there stuff to themselves and other people use unworked and that’s what’s been bred of, that’s why it’s hard to find a decent pup
  19. Yh That’s all what gets bred now really but they have there uses but just like you I like a good runner
  20. Alright is anyone breeding any bull x pups soon or got some at the moment looking for something out sh parents who can run a bit 5/8 3/8 be ideal, would consider a young bitch up to 6/7 months I know most keep there stock between them and there pals but most people I know keep a heavier dog than I need
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