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About 810Rican

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  • Birthday 09/10/1984

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  1. I went from open sight to scope! So I figure out the basics and nail a 500 yard target BY AIMING ABOUT 65 INCHES ABOVE THE DAMN THING. AFTER I SAID f**k IT WITH READING UP ON EVERYBODY'S LONG WINDED CONFUSING INSTRUCTIONS ON LONG RANGE INCREMENTAL DOPING. so: - 1 milradian = .0573 degree - 1 mil @ 100 yards = 3.6 inches = 36 inches @ 1000 yards - 1 click = 1/4 inch @ 100 yards = between 14 and 15 clicks @ 100 yards to equal 1 mil seems all simple right! well all these wankers have to write long winded explainations of this but never say any more about maybe 300, 600, or whatev
  2. Hello everyone My name is Dawn. I have been shooting for about a year and got my ccl a few months ago. Found this site today while I was looking around to talk to others in Ohio about ccl and such.
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