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Blue ninja

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Everything posted by Blue ninja

  1. ? I'm trying to figure out all the jokes on here but I'm too novice on here to understand what's so funny about... ? Btw, that Slingshot looks still decent to my eyes . I would buy that ?
  2. Well, Folks ? I don't know what you guys whining all ' bout but I got it !!! ?????? For God loved the Catty world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal Catty life. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have a eternal Catty life. An quote from an secret Catty bible Gamekeeper John 3:16 ??? Cheers m 8 John !!?? The quality is barnone. Sheer Coating is superb . Bands are tight and strong. I ca
  3. ? but You've giving me some idea. Perhaps, I should talk about business with John so I can help him finishing his catties and faster distribution to U.S. too . ? If I'm remember correctly from a class that's called " Distribution of Power " in business .????
  4. Dude ... I am not that Gamekeeper "John" I wish I could be like him but naw . I am not him. ?️?
  5. Errr.... I'm not that "John" btw . Im just an newbie here and I live in California , U.S.A. Not UK. My brother used to live in London tho... And jeems ... You gave your John's catty away ?? Omg ? because it had a vernish drip ? Man !? Oh my gosh ... Let me explain ... That shows and proves that it's got heavily polyurethane vernish finish had been applied. Yeah , you want that perfect vernish, but still ... I would have keeping it . All you have to do was just sand it off a bit where the drip has solidified at... Then perhaps hit with spray
  6. Stick a picture up , Jeemes !? Which Catty you've got from John ?
  7. You mean This Bill Hays ? ? https://youtu.be/G7SaZ3S2-Xc He is a good guy also. ?
  8. Well , duh ah !? ?and Yes I will ! Well, let me say this to everyone .. People shouldn't be so denier to someone just for an catty order went wrong or arrival of was way behind the schedules or didn't get it ... I'm not sayin that's good. But I hope you would understand what I'm sayin. In this case , it was Xmas season . All the shipping companies, postal services are experiencing above their capacity. And you know how those guys are ... Throwing every packages , opening and taking it some for thier homes even ...lol ? That bloke John is a great humanbeing . He
  9. Hello , I'm new here from California U.S.A. Trying to find out what you guys up to and all . Thank you ?
  10. Well, despite all the talks and gossips ....lol ?? I've just placed my one catty order to "John the Gamekeeper " !!! Hell yeah ! ?? Coz I do like that bloke and I truly love watching ... over... 10 years of his shows, fools ! P.S. Yo John ? Cheers, [BANNED TEXT] ! ? ??? ?
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