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Everything posted by Mother_Mary

  1. The only question you should be asking yourself is how many tins of John west can I get in my pockets at clocking off time
  2. Did she break it doing the truffle shuffle?
  3. I love it when the carpet matches the drapes.
  4. What we need to do is stop protecting child abusers whether inside prisons or out in the wider public. No segregation whilst inside and no new identity/new address outside Do the crime and face the repercussion for the rest of your natural life. My guess is most given enough time will do the right thing and top themselves. This would at least be a start without having to agonise over changing laws that are broken anyway.
  5. The last few pages on this has proper done me in haha f***ing outrageous ?
  6. Your already on the special bus and it’s too late to stop it to get off ? I agree with you 100% most of the general public I come into contact with turn my stomach.
  7. We will have no mention of tribes please ?
  8. Each and every one of them has been spit roasted at one point or another (or some other equally despicable act). The only difference being that sometimes some of them are caught out. I’ve become so cynical that I honestly think that the only reason we know about the “garden party” is because they want us to know about it. So what is it that this is being used as a smoke screen for. The only time the public find out about these things is when they want us to, to distract us from something else. And no I’m not typing this from the other end of a bong ?
  9. But is the problem not that the landowner you rent off is claiming sub and now the goalposts have been changed for them regarding their sub have went for the alternative route to keep the cash cow milking. Ps wasn’t looking for an argument at all, merely stating my opinion which I wholeheartedly agree is far less experienced than yours so can possibly learn something ?
  10. The flip side of that is food is far too cheap. Food prices need to be realistic for the producers to get the true value of their produce and the public to see the cost in getting it to the table. Would also reduce food wastage and expectations from the consumer
  11. id say that has a lot less to do with the fundamentals of brexit, and more to do with the current government popularity contest. If the agricultural sector wants full controll over what is done with the land in there ownership they shouldn’t have allowed themselves to become subsidy junkies in the first instance. I personally think this whole rewilding thing is a crock of shit and actually goes against the principals of sustainability. 20 years from now money will be ploughed into these areas to bring them back into food production. the issue you have personally is a b
  12. What do you think is the solution? or rather who? it seems from an outsider all you do is criticise without offering your own ideas which is very easy to do. I personally can’t stand any of them but would agree with the above that farage was a glimmer of hope in the steaming pile of shit that is British politics.
  13. If you get pulled with a fluffy Akita and a saluki with fluffy ears in the boot, it’s going to be clear as day you’ve been dogging.
  14. Don’t get carried away with that yoke dc. Swing it too much the wrong way and it could pull your head to the floor ?
  15. Soft white underbelly is a documentary series on YouTube interviewing people living on skid row. Well worth a watch just to see how low rock bottom actually is. Truly shocking. watch a few of them Keith then cancel your order for that gram of pink panties because what no one will tell you is…it always starts with the panties.
  16. Excellent series 10/10 I think it’s had done more good for the agri sector than cuntryfile/springwatch and all that shite ever has with regards to educating the tarmac dwellers.
  17. You’ve enough green crack in that pipe auld yin
  18. Nice to see something positive on here for a change. Wish you and your boy all the best. ?
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