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Everything posted by Tommy

  1. Tommy


    Bit of a different topic this fella's !!!!! Well i've mentioned before that i work in a gym and the vast amount of customers are Door Men/Ex-Doormen. Some of these lads have been doing the doors for 20 years or more and have travelled the country working on demand and i would say 90% of these lads are some of the most genuine un-boastfull set of lads you could wish to meet !!! I've never yet heard any of these brag about any fights are conflicts and will only speak about their experiences if asked and theres not many listeners around. Some of these lads i've seen in action and they are def
  2. Tommy


    Bit of a different topic this fella's !!!!! Well i've mentioned before that i work in a gym and the vast amount of customers are Door Men/Ex-Doormen. Some of these lads have been doing the doors for 20 years or more and have travelled the country working on demand and i would say 90% of these lads are some of the most genuine un-boastfull set of lads you could wish to meet !!! I've never yet heard any of these brag about any fights are conflicts and will only speak about their experiences if asked and theres not many listeners around. Some of these lads i've seen in action and they are def
  3. Great looking dog mate !!!! Still some growing in him then if he's only seven months !!!! I had a simular dog (different colour) i'll put a pic up later !!! Whats the dog bred from mate ???? All the best Tommy
  4. Nice looking dog mate !!!!! Not my type of dog deerhound crosses but they look the part. Great stuff What line of deerhound cross is he bred from e.g platts, slack etc All the best Tommy
  5. Had a quick walk out with the terrier this morning and decided to check a few earths. I was supposed to be going on a smallholding i have permission on, but didn't get there as i needed to be back for work (boxing lessons) at 11.30. I was also supposed to be going out with a local terrierman but he couldn't get due to work commitments. The land i went on today is behind some allottments/pigeon lofts and a few of the old lads on here keep chickens, well try to keep them as the fox is always reducing there numbers. Well to cut a long story short we didn't find anything to ground (interested at o
  6. This time of years always great for finding land that holds hares, as they will be moving around all day !!!! Was travelling down the motorway not half an hour's travel from my house the other day and spotted four hares all in a small horse paddock type field, great stuff !!!! All the best Tommy
  7. I would probably go for a Saluki bitch, simply because i love dogs with loads of stamina. But a close second would be a nice small greyhound bitch, i've seen a few over the last couple of years that could 'hang on' a fair bit and put the pressure on big style early, GREAT STUFF !!!!!!!!!!! All the best Tommy
  8. Well fella's i don't personally own a porta-mag box but have access to one and use it a few times a season. I have talked to both greyhound and lurcher men and they swear by them and when i've used them the recovery process seems to be quicker !!! What i've been told is that they work by sending magnetic pulses through the dogs body, which speed up the blood flow. Speeding up the blood flow then helps repair any damaged muscle tissues quicker (some of the fella's on here may know more about this than me ????). The mag boxes are now priced about £425 and there is also a porta-mag mat now avai
  9. Hares have been pairing up since January and anyone who caries on coursing after March isn't giving the hares a chance. I was on some land last saturday and the hares were really poor, its best to leave them alone now mate !!!!!! You will hear plenty of lads at the shows bragging about how they've been out 'this morning' and killed so many, but they're only killing there own sport !!! All the best Tommy
  10. All right mate !!!!!! If your near south yorks there's a good greyhound/working dog veterinarry centre in Chesterfield, Derbyshire called Spire Vetinarry Centre, he's great with all types of working dogs as a few terrier lad friends have also have good words for the centre. All the best Tommy
  11. Yes the dogs i have seen on video are Irish Fly, Glider, Hope and Paul Noons Inny !!!!!!! These dogs i beleive are irish terrier cross greyhound but also have saluki blood ?????? Are your dogs Freestate Hunter 2 straight irish terrier x greyhound ???? All the best Tommy
  12. My lucks not in !!!!!!!!!! I'm relying on Baracouda and Ross River now :whistle: :whistle: Great race that Fondmort won, just happy that Impek didn't win All the best Tommy
  13. Though i'd have a bet on a few races today and this is were i think i'll put my money !!! 2.00 I think i'll go with Cornish Sett, great jockey in Ruby Walsh and just looking on the internet form guide it says likes softish ground and has plenty of staying power (fingerscrossed) 2.35 I haven't made my mind up yet it's between Our Vic and Sir OJ, probably neither of them will win knowing my look !!!!! Just hope Impek doesn't win !!!! 3.15 Probably go with Baracouda on this one, but have a small sneak feeling to put a bit on Emotional Moment (another stayer) and its 33-1 at the mome
  14. The dogs i saw were owned by both Chalky White and Paul Noon and a few of there mates, i saw these dogs run on tape only but they looked decent enough animals !!! All the best Tommy
  15. Since the government resrictions around us a lot of dog lads have packed in, which has been great this season as there's been more stuff to run. We run mainly around the north lincs and notts area and haven't had anymore bother than in season past !!!!!!! Other than local to me, where the police have been doing there homework and are now looking for 'Illegal hare courses' not 'tresspassers' the law have be alright as long as you are civilised towards them and totally deniy coursing !!!! Baz, i've only been around withernsea a few times and it was full of game (hare, deer etc) and the bloke wh
  16. Here's a pic of one of my current bitches with here first ever fox. The bitch caught this in about August, while i was out one morning giving the dogs a bit of fitness work. She hunted it up in some rough grass in a old cattle field and then pulled it down after a short course. By the time i got to the fox she had killed it with very little fuss. The bitch has had a few foxes over the last few seasons but not enough to class her as a genuine fox taking lurcher as she's used mainly as a coursing dog. All the best Tommy
  17. Thanks alot for that Borderboy, there's some real good ideas on there and i'm sure i can get something made along the same lines as those in the picture. All the best Tommy
  18. Now fella's i know all about hassle from landowners and police, i've been in the coursing game for long enough !!!!!!! And i know in a ideal world i should have written permission on everywhere i hunt, but it's not like that is it !!!!!! I just wanted to know whether you lads use any digging equipment that can be kept in a coat pocket (away from prying eyes) etc any pics of home made designs would be great. All the best Tommy
  19. As i've said before i'm totally new to the terrier game and am looking for some advice !!! The problem is digging equipment, when i go out with terrier if i was to carry a spade over my back then i'm sure that within ten mins i would probably be surrounded by cop cars and a helicopter !!!!!! This is due to two thinks some of the land i work my terrier on i don't have permission :ph34r: :ph34r: and the land i do have permission on has public footpaths that attract huge amounts of Nosey RAMBLERS !!!! So what i'm asking is are there any decent folding spades on the market ??????and what equi
  20. Got told this joke by an irish bloke on sunday !!!!! There was a boy who lived in a remote area of western ireland and he was 22 years old. He had worked in the country all his life and had never seen a woman. One day while the young man was working in the forest a young woman from the city stumbled upon the wood and decided to have a walk around. As she walked around a bend in the path she saw the young man making love to small hole in a tree, very surprised she crept up behind him and then asked him ''WHAT ARE YOU DOING''. The young man was really surprised and embarrased and quickly cov
  21. Thats a nice looking dog mate !!!! I always love to see the light coloured saluki crosses. The bitch that my other mate got (sister to dog in picture) was a similar stamp to your dog. All the best Tommy
  22. Just a picture of dog of different breeding to what i'm used to. As you will have notiched i was brought up with saluki based lurchers, but have also had a bull x and my dad had this dog, which is basically pure Deerhound (no papers, bought from gypsy's as a pup). This dog has been a decent enough animal (even catching a few rabbits on the lamp now and again) but he had one big let down, SIZE. It wasn't so much his height more his weight, as if the dog hit anything while running then damage would occur, usually to the dog !!!! Also a big heavy dog is limited to what ground they can run on !!
  23. Here's a quick pic i took this morning of my dog terrier. I went out this morning and checked a few earths with him (about half a dozen), but we didn't drop on anything. After finally getting him entered he's really keen to go now and 4 of the 6 earths we checked this morning he searched through and then had another look (two didn't look promising and he wasn't really interested). I wont be out with the Terrier until saturday now and will try some more earths on the smallholding that was mentioned at the beginning of this thread, if i manage to get him some work then i'll finish for the season
  24. This is a pic of my dad with the old bitch nell (start of my current bloodline) and a saluki lurcher dog he had. The catch was taken around derbyshire with ferrets bolting the rabbits for the dogs. My dad didn't keep the saluki cross for long as he didn't 'click' with the dog, the dog then went to someone who mainly coursed hares. And this is a pic of me (when i was a nipper) after my first ever night out on the lamp (with the above mentioned saluki cross). I can remember every detail of that night and still go on the same land that we lamped that night now. Looking at that picture
  25. There were some pups in the countrymans weekly a couple of weeks back and they were supposidly bred from the 'Feather' and 'Cruiser' lines !!! I'll try and find out who bred the dog and what it's sire was !!!! All the best Tommy
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