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About Tommy

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    Mega Hunter

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    The land of the WHITE ROSE !!!!!!!!!!

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  1. Yeh thats Rosie with Belle and Razor Stone Roses the breeding is Buddy (Charlie x Foxy) x Kim (Smokey x Dancer). They be 9 on the 4th of September ATB Tommy
  2. How is the Red dog bred lads ? ATB Tommy
  3. That was 'True' ........he was sold for £200. The condition the dog was in was poor especially his feet. I only ever seen him run after my mate had bought the dog and thats where he stayed til he was P.T.S. They arent machines are they !! ATB Tommy
  4. The man was saying he was a good un, Brookie on here had the ICE dog when he was retired he might have some pics of the dog. ATB Tommy
  5. Theres a few pics of him in Mr Darcys Passion for coursing book from when Hatts owned him as a young dog. Ill see if i can get any later pics of him. I also seen Rockys full sister Montana (aka Muzzle) run for 4 seasons and was speaking to the man who owned ICE last week he had a bitch out of the same litter called ROSE (Ice x Fly) which he rated highly. ATB Tommy
  6. Seen the father of Mia, Rocky run until he was retired (with his second owner)......Very Good Daytime dog ATB Tommy
  7. I think im right in remembering that Coco had the Sister of 'McCoy'. He put her in pup to the 'Wilkie' dog. I was told McCoy was bred out of Dels old dog Lukes breeding. ATB Tommy
  8. I very rarey come here because people talk to much shit ....... but here goes lol The Last day that P came over SP and had a day out with you Jamie i was there .....me, you, P, Bro in law and Shep. By reading your quote above im not sure if your commenting on P's dog or Bro in laws young pup (think she was about 9-10mnths old at the time).......and the truth is i never seen either dog get blown away by a leveret .......because no such thing happened and if your honest with yourself jamie YOU KNOW it didnt happen either. Your bitch wasnt on Top Form that day but im a honest man and wouldnt
  9. Gos

    Could you PLEASE stick my back on JC as i cant log on anymore, and i would like to get on there again since having my bitch lifted

  10. Well whatever you do don't burn your fingers with the sparklers .............It might affect your ability to type on your keyboard and we would miss your posts so much
  11. Yeah and your probably to young to light the fireworks yourself you crank :victory:
  12. I find it amazing what pleasure some get from spouting pure shite on these forums :blink: ..............at least the up-coming season is just around the corner :victory: ATB TOMMY
  13. Can you send me caufields number,he gave it to me a few monthes ago and ive lost my phoine n everyones numbers, would appreciate it

  14. The reason Froch isn't liked by the British Public is because hes a big headed c**t. Just the same reason they never liked Hamed or Eubank !! Froch is a very strong puncher and has a good chin.........but was always going to lose against a GOOD BOXER........In my opinion he lost his last fight against Andre Dirrell !! Maybe this loss and a taste of Humble Pie might Calm his EGO. I wonder if he will still be pulling down Calzaghe as much as he has previously ATB TOMMY
  15. can you invite me on it cuz

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