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Everything posted by Ballypreacusterriers

  1. It wont ever stop so it won't wont stop me anyway is the bitch a good producer she is ?
  2. Oh right of course i didn't want to see a pic anyway man the less people see the better hope it works out for you
  3. What dog did you line her too nice little bitch she is
  4. My dad knew arthur nixon on that documentary he owned a dog called spike a very good bull x russel
  5. A bitch called Judy belonging to a man in Kildale she was bred out of tp Holly and j powers Bruno dog from cork
  6. Fatman that's right Mr connolly reared Teddy up tp had a brother to Teddy but he was put into a sett that had been gassed by the ministry and kept having fits after that so he gave the dog to an old woman as a pet
  7. His son has the same breeding still I live up the road from him go for a dig with him a couple of times a season
  8. That's for sure I knew the dog personally I seen the dog being dug to
  9. No problem he would want to get some of his facts straight in future Teddy was dug over plenty of times
  10. Neil cooney how did TP get his hands on nigger in the first place ?
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