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About Mooseontheloose

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Hello I purchased my first Air rifle on Tuesday a tx200 hc in .22 what a gun! After spending abit of time on my zeroing and then grouping I decided to get rid of my L plates and christen my TX. I get to my permission for 19.00 and start to have alook around I spot plenty of bunnies but due to the lack of wind they hear me coming so I got into the sitting position close to the hedge row throw my scrim net over my head and rifle and waited it out. My patience wasn't tested for too long when a seemly over confident bunny comes hoping over, I resisted the urge to shoot just yet knowing I only had
  2. Thanks for all replys, he's got a eye for feather and I won't be discouraging it who doesn't love abit pheasant lol atb Chris
  3. Hello I do apologise for my lack of knowledge but what is the law regarding using lurchers to catch live pheasants, ducks etc thank you
  4. I don't see why it wouldn't work but just don't get caught as I'm pretty sure it's not a legit thing todo lol
  5. Get some ear plugs and don't go to him when he cries. Took me about a week to crate train my pup and get a full night sleep. He's 13 weeks old now and sleeps from 21.30/22.00 to 6.30ish and goes into his crate on his own accord.
  6. Excuse my lack of knowledge and jumping on this thread but how does a lurcher catch woodpigeons, ducks etc? I really like the idea of my boy being able todo that when he's ready. Is it something they either already have in em or can it be taught if so how?
  7. Your spot on mate. I've had him out at 8 weeks at loads of different places with different terrain. I wasn't talking about an expedition lol just a decent walk. I was always told a tired dog is a happy dog but this 10 min per month I don't agree with. Yeah two signals my pup gives me are he will either start biting the lead or he will have a lie down then its home time
  8. Hello I'm just curious how long do you/would you walk a 3 month old pup for? I walk mine on and off lead untill he gets tired that could be 30 mins or 90mins etc he let's me kno but according to Internet he should only have 10mins.... It takes him that long to have a sniff and decide where he wants to have a piss lol one thing he is defo alot more chilled out after a long walk and his nippyness almost disappears maybe that's why I see so many posts on social media about puppy's nipping non stop ??
  9. Do you know how long it takes for the swelling to go down? How long do you wait before pairing them again?
  10. Hello I'm after some advice, i mated two of my Jill's this season one of them had 3 healthy kits and the other has clearly had a phantom as she's well over her due date(was mated 31/5/21) She went through it all looking rough loosing her coat etc then she seemed to be getting over it her coat coming back nicely and gaining weight again but went to check on her this morning and she seems really bloated bigger than she was when she was having her phantom and her vulva is starting to show again. Apart from that she is seems happy any one else experienced this?
  11. I've got my self collie x whippet x saluki pup he's 12 weeks old. Since I got him I started the training sit, stay, recall and retrieve. been doing some off lead walks lately(I have to bite the bullet one day and to be fair his recall is alot better than most of the adult dogs we come across while out and about) anyway we was out walking with the kids and he's about 30 odd feet away and I see another dog approaching so called his name to get his attention and then raised my hand for the sit command without saying the word sit and he did it straight away! I was well over the moon I know it pro
  12. I know it's not the correct tool for the job but I don't fancy carrying a big lamp when out for mooch. Would this do the job for some light bunny lamping thanks
  13. Thanks for the help, il hold off for now
  14. Simplest way to get a farmer done for shooting ya dog I a field without live stock init would be to take ya camera phone might take a few mins to get some sheep in their but takes seconds to whip ya phone out and press record
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