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Everything posted by nrat

  1. blimey,you must have the magic touch??
  2. nice dog,2 out 5 aint bad,it depends on the ground your running somes easy somes not
  3. nice one,how are the dogs bred?
  4. good days sport shame your camera packed up,
  5. perhaps there just isent many rabbits in your area?? travel further afield ,or perhaps you could get somone on the forum to go with,good luck
  6. the escort isent the best gun in the world but shouldnt fall apart that quick,have you been fireing steel through to tight a choke??as that could cause problems,if your not happy with the gun you can be refunded in full,you would be better of with a berreta .....or slightly cheaper a benneli
  7. nrat

    Goose ID

    hi,were getting the odd barnacle at findhorn bay now,and we had a pair of brent at portgorden last week,where do you park at the ythan ??by the bridge is a fair walk out,or do you park at meikle tarty,?? thinking of shooting it for a change,thanks jim
  8. is it going to be a fix this year AGAIN.? Care to explain you're comments mate, you obviously have something to say so lets have it. Colm Secretary F&K aye its a pure farce its a joke...... a couldnt say a good word about the show,,, and a wouldnt encourage anybody to go either..... its the best game fair in scotland and one of the best fairs in britain,its a shame you have a problem with the terrier show,but the show in general is very good,air your grievance about the showing and let the club reply but dont knock the whole show,all the best jim
  9. will have plenty of leather on board john,looking fotward to meeting you and chipper ,phil lloyd,and lots of friends at the welsh,its a really good show,see you there jim
  10. You are 100% correct there... Things have improved here, my Wife's health is much better,..so,.if I can cadge a lift with any of the Hampshire or Sussex contingent and join them on their journey to The Welsh,..I shall be one happy, wee fat fellah I think that the New Forest lads are coming up on the Sunday to launch their first DVD , " A Fist-full of Ferrets',...and I also have some financial business to attend to myself,..so,..it would be real good,..to come back home to Wales.... All the best,...CHALKWARREN... Typical Welsh Camaraderie....I fecking love it....
  11. thats the midland game fair,3rd week of september,really good air gun section,good show all round
  12. lee jackson caught it in 2002 it weighed in at 61. 7oz then , the scales have come back from weighs and measures after being checked ,and the fish two tone weighed in at 66.15oz a new british record,all the angling papers are covering it this week, thats my boy
  13. Will drop weight after spawning in May. A carp is at its top weight April and October / November from what i have experienced a popped up boily i think?? it will be in the fishing papers soon,
  14. i will agree with you on that one tomo,i was using wire and bramles 25yrs ago,yes were not all teenagers?? ie dog rose or rose hip brambles are best longer spikes and stronger stems and by gentley twisting you can wind it a long way down a hole,obvously dead rabbits come out easier than live rabbits,the same as if pulling rabbits out a stop end some rabbits take a lot of pulling out,as for just dig a bit further try that when the earth is going under a road or thick hedge bottom,easier to use the wire or bramble in some cases,stubby has stated he takes his wire with him,so why will he be losin
  15. Dont know about cheaper more like justifiable based on toilet hire waste removal staff costs so on and so on ,if they can be weighed up against each other then fine ????? however a lot of thought must be put in to the amount families can afford to pay. you pay between £7-10 to get in if if your showing terriers or luchers how much of the fair do you see ? some of em are are getting like car boot sales with stalls sellin cheap sunglasses and dvds if the running cost are that high why bother to put them on ? show oranisers have fairly high overheads,ie plenty of toilets advertising w
  16. one of the best game fairs,not flashy or expensive,well organised,the best show for working terries and lurchers,all the bestb stalls, the best crack,if the weathers good fantastic site see you there jim
  17. nearly here fk me ive got about 15 shows before that,but its the best show in scotland,look forward to seeing all our friends there and having a drink,well a pint ,fk the whiskey,make mine a lager,or cider ,see you there boys its one of my favourite shows,jim ps will be at moy as well,all the best jim
  18. so am i ,rains a nuasance but winds a pain in the butt,i am at catton pk this week,and most major game fairs pop in and say hello ,jim
  19. it was on the river wye in the wye valey we took thousands of fish every season now the river is not the same i have had a lot of fish out of junction pool up your way where the tweed and other rivers met and i also have had a lot of fish late in the season just over the border a place caled hawick \\i dont know how it is spelled//same down here we found it harder to sell them once they brought in new laws i havent realy botherd for quite a few years now thats why i dont mind puting this on here.you want to look into elver fishing realy big money best night for me and the boys that fish with m
  20. know the feeling mate,lost my dog skye on the road,and tarn broke her nack in a freak accident,lucky i have film footage of both my dogs as memories ,sorry for you mate ,the lamper me mate mark has just had mouse the dog in the last 3 films impaled on reinforcing wire,but she was lucky enough to survive,jim the lamper
  21. c,momn boys bet most of you only eat big macs then rush back to the keyboard ,to play big white huters ???
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