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Everything posted by nrat

  1. we have run several cross country shows and showjumping events, my friend has liability insurance of 1 million pound, toilets are onsite and so is a burger van, and when they lived at there old place, held several succesful lurcher events, so i think they have the right experience to run one, as i have said previosly, i have nothing to do with the show, only helping them advertise it the insurance dosent cost that much, the burger van will be paying money to attend the show and at these prices to enter a dog YOU WONT NEED MANY TOILETS ????
  2. this is the best of the gamefairs for dog men brill show
  3. The old saying is try and miss it in front ie swing well through the goose and maintain a good lead before firing,ideally you will then hit it in the head or neck, a gooses vital organs are well protected by breast and bone and can take a lot of shot the wings look huge but the bones are only a small part of the wing, a goose may look huge when in range but they also fly faster than you think,add to this the exitement of your morning flight and its easy to miss, but when you walk out onto the marsh in the dark,settle in your hide listen to the sound of the foreshore waking up,then spot the ge
  4. Think veg tan is approx £4.75 ft not bought any for awhile
  5. Should be interesting if these predictions are right, personally i think most litters will throw some blacks
  6. Try Bridport Nets or Brian/Liam Brinded both supply long nets
  7. Glouster old spot, them and Tamworth good old traditional breeds
  8. when the chance comes You only shoot em once, shoot them loads of times with a camera more skill and enjoyment if only you new how many i kill a year they still make me smile though Got nothing against killing them ,if i had em in my garden[no greys here] i would let em be and enjoy em ptovided thr bstards stayed in the trees not the house, and yet still shoot em elsewhere, we had a weasel in the garden for a while nice to see didnt do harm so let it be now a rabbit near me veggie [shot 4 on the drive] provided they stay the field side of the rabbit proof fence are safe unless i wan
  9. postal charges have just jumped up dramatically thats the post office not the seller
  10. That's not the intention, and though they are designed to jump when sprung, they shouldn't be hitting the ceiling. A correctly set Fenn should be able to catch no matter how high the ceiling. The Fenn trap was designed to kill within the confines of the tunnel or hole, not to be used with free space above it. I have categoric proof of that in the form of development documents written by the inventor (amongst other things) So, the Fenn does have to be set so that it can fire cleanly but no more, big holes or tunnels are no good, simple as that. OTC Would agree with that a cor
  11. HI. why cheaper ??? is Le Prevos leather Sedgewicks ?? leather comes in many grades and cheap isent always a good bet as quality counts when it comes to selling i have made a full time living for the last 11yrs and part time for 8yrs before and best quality sells, we do some cheaper items depends on the market, CHEAP ITEMS its the same as ie quick release catches most use the cheap chinese copy or the die cast one [there crap] they all look the same we use the german h/s catch its EXPENSIVE but quality that lasts, we do buy some bits from Le Prevo but mostly from Abbey
  12. when the chance comes You only shoot em once, shoot them loads of times with a camera more skill and enjoyment if only you new how many i kill a year they still make me smile though Got nothing against killing them ,if i had em in my garden[no greys here] i would let em be and enjoy em ptovided thr bstards stayed in the trees not the house, and yet still shoot em elsewhere, we had a weasel in the garden for a while nice to see didnt do harm so let it be now a rabbit near me veggie [shot 4 on the drive] provided they stay the field side of the rabbit proof fence are safe unless i wan
  13. WELSH GAME FAIR best game fair going, good show friendly folk, = good day out
  14. when the chance comes You only shoot em once, shoot them loads of times with a camera more skill and enjoyment
  15. Terriers lurchers guns smokers ?? = good sport and a degree of rat control, heavy baiting with poison in secure baiting stations = long term rat reduction
  16. what prce are we talkin bud Best english bridle butts [sedgewicks] 3.4-4mm are £255 a pair plus vat 20% fairly expensive but the best
  17. Looking good lots of hard work there but you will get good crops and loads of satisfaction doing it,we put up a 36ftx15ft poly tunnel up and love it eating raddish lettuce sring onions and best of all strawberries, keep up the good work
  18. Quite agree they may be vermin and reallistically can cause lots of damage, but in the garden they can be very amusing and entertaining, [GOOD PICS BY THE WAY]
  19. Very nice , we get mostly siskins and goldfinch on our feeders [nyger seed ]
  20. Try Abbey Saddlery, quite expensive but good leather
  21. LOL cheers though id sooner stick with leather. Try ours, made several in our time, lots of leather collars leads slips and couples
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