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Everything posted by Runninghound

  1. Cheers mate, could be interested in that depending on location. Can you pm me if poss. Cheers
  2. Cheers for the comments. Thinking to keep speed and size may be best putting a first X or half X over her. Just to find the right stud!
  3. Hello gents, new to the forum, although have been browsing over the years on and off so hopefully I can contribute something worthwhile. As the title says, Wheaton or beddy. I have access to a Saluki greyhound bitch that is very biddable, Lethal quick off the mark and proven herself over many seasons as a general all-rounder. Would like to take a pup from her and am considering going down a different route. Would like to add a good coat, a bit more fire and perhaps end up with something a bit more hardy to cope with the elements. Any thoughts? Have seen a few first X beddy greyhounds, but anyo
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