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Everything posted by huckelberry

  1. i do work my ferrets with other terriers not broken to ferrets. but they must be kept on a leash with a propper dog handler per dog. and while doing so most dogs do learn that ferets are part of the team if enough time is invested into it.
  2. i bought a cheap 18v cheap china fake makita blower. it works well to get some close by rats moving. 880W 2 In 1 Draadloze Elektrische Luchtblazer Vacuüm Cleannig Blowing & Zuig Blad Dust Collector Voor Makita 18V Batterij|Blowers| - AliExpress NL.ALIEXPRESS.COM Smarter Shopping, Better Living! Aliexpress.com
  3. saw 3 young rats in one wooden snap trap once. and i did make a picture.
  4. i know that most ratting will be there. but for me it would be nice if there would be a separate ratting section where all rat hunting stuff could be placed. so also airgun ratting also ferreting rats also trapping rats both snap traps and live traps. but maybe it is just me a rat hunter specialist interested in all forms of rat hunting that would prefer such a section.
  5. does anybody here also use a leaf blower for ratting? i normaly do ratting with terriers with the water hose and with my ferrets. but sometimes both ferrets and water can not reach the rats. i had that happen one day when the rats where inside a fire wood stash and i saw a big petrol leaf blower near by i treid it and it did work to scare the rats out so that my dogs could get them. after this i started wondering would a electric leaf blower also work? and after this i bought a cheap 18v imitation makita leaf blower. i tested it yesterday in a similar situation and yes it did work. so i'm ver
  6. mine also won't eat them most of the time in the heat of the hunt. but the chance is big that when you give them a rat when feeding time comes that they do eat it. by the way i always freeze them for at least 3 days before i feed them so that parasites and such will be dead.
  7. by the way my ferrets dieet is mostly self caught brown rats i got a 160liter freezer full of them i got about 25 adult ferrets that eat rats as their main food source and also many litters of ferret pups. and the freezer stays as good as full. maybe the eating of rats helps them to be resistant to the rats diseases. but as far as i know wild pole cats are also great rat hunters and rats are also a big part of their dieet and they also seem to hande both the rats and the diseases well
  8. i got a way of dealing with it and that is to first use bigger ferrets and when i think there are still rats but the ferets can't reach them because of size difference i start using smaller ferrets. i never had problems with diseases i did have some nasty bite wounds but there where way more rats with deadly bite wounds done by my ferrets. the smallest like 150 gram ferrets are mainly used for breeding and creating smaller rat working lines. and are seldom used for the rat hunt. the ferrets that have regular rat work here are more in the range from 300 up to 600 gram range and yes a micro f
  9. smallest ferrets here are between 150 and 200 grams
  10. it is still big compared to the smalest i got here so it seems. what is the weight of that small one?
  11. wondering if anyone here has some micro ferrets for sale.
  12. can you please post the links of those video's?
  13. i alway rinkle with my keys when i feed them and use this sound to get the ferrets back. but this time it didn't work.
  14. i use my ferrets mainly for my work as a biological rat hunter and i would not have much work if i would not even let them under containers and stuff like that. i also have to work without a ferret finder most of the time because the locators are to big most of the times for the small rat burrows and passages.
  15. new pard nv or thermal? or both?
  16. as far as i know a scaffold netting is less flexiible and thus takes way more time to put in a rat proof way over uneven ground over rubbish over remains of undergrowth and stuff like that. i prefer a heavy flexible netting that takes the shape of uneven ground quick and without much efford.
  17. had a ratting ferreting job a few days ago. the rats had there hide out under a container a fire wood storage and a caravan(with loads of storage put underneath) all put next to each other. i worked the place with my 2 terriers and 6 micro/mid hob ferrets(weight 500 to 700grams). but because the rats had so much narrow crawl through hide outs to go from one cover to the next without any chance of my dogs to grab one. 2 of my hobs stayed under ground so long that i got worried that they might had walked away. non of the methods that i normaly use to get my ferrets back seemed to work so i was
  18. what type of collar is used with that unit?
  19. does not seem like logic to me, and also does not match with my experience. but if it works out for you that is all that matters. if however you come up to a rat burrow one day and the dogs clearly tell you that there are rats down there and your ferrts cant get them out. think of what i told you and try a smaller ferret. you might just get results then.
  20. what do you mean with large and small size jills? at what wheight is it large and at what weigth is it small? i don't agree on the a large jill can get anywhere in a rat burrow that a large jill can get. and that would also be strange and unlogical if that was so. i breed extra small ferrets so that the ferrets can get into the smallest rat burrows where they can't dig because of roots and or stones eg. i still prefer to first use a big ferret before i start working the smaller ones. but when i know there are still rats down there that the ferrets cant reach i will use the special forces(my sl
  21. can you also put up some pics of your self made purse nets? i've been thnking and also trying fishingnets as longnets. but the ones i treid where cheap china momofilament gill nets and these where impossible to set out and after that reuse aigain. i treid them for rats and not for rabbits.
  22. have not treid that green sheeting/mesh. my thought was that this also would not follow the shape of uneven ground as simple as nylon netting. (but have to be honest i have not realy treid it yet) and i find that longnetting rats is differnt than rabbits. for rats it important that the rat first can run over a peace op net that lies flat on the gound before it walks against the net that stands straight up. this is important because otherwise many rats crawl under the netting. of what material is that green sheeting mesh made? is that not poly propyleen?
  23. i agreed with the collour is of no importance execpt for light coulours that are easier to find in bush and such. but now that i have about 25 ferrets. the differnt coulours/markings do come in handy to know who is who. i keep different colour collars on my albino's now. now with the ferret kits on their way a whole lot of identification chalanges arrize with that much ferrets(been thinking about hairpaint for that)
  24. for me it is both hobby and work. it did start out because i had a ferret and there where not many rabbits to hunt. i'm still happy when i get a rabbiting job because of the change and because of the edible rabbits. but i still love the rat hunt. even though i hunt rats many times a week.
  25. treid the chicken wire before. but still perfer a long net. it is way quicker to put up and down. not as bulky and heavy, and more easy to fit on uneven ground.
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