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Everything posted by huckelberry

  1. patterdale pups van hamelen scared and traumatized for life after her first encounter with an nose atacking baby rat
  2. patterdale pup van hamelen went to the pub way to early and starting a bar fight because some shitty baby rat treid to bite her nose
  3. my pup van hamelen when she was walking to the pub to brag on about her fairytales
  4. she still did though. the first rats she took where young ones by the way. and and me and my other dogs always treid to catch the big ones [BANNED TEXT] she was younger but she did take loads(later also full grown rats) with her puppy teeth. it is just how it is if you don't believe it that is fine by me.
  5. she still did though. the first rats she took where young ones by the way. and and me and my other dogs always treid to catch the big ones when she was younger but she did take loads(later also full grown rats) with her puppy teeth. it is just how it is if you don't believe it that is fine by me.
  6. that is quite some assumptions, without really knowing me.
  7. for my small sized ratting ferret line. im looking for some fresh micro ferret genes.
  8. my patterdale started joining our rat pack when she was only about 9 weeks old. and she did fit under pallets when she was that young and she helped us with killing loads of rats. so got to disagree on that.
  9. for example who would think of using a chiwawa for ratting? i guess not many would but i at least know one half chiwawa half jack russel that is a great rat hunter.
  10. to get enough drive it might also be an option for example to mix this mini fany licker breed (that might have to little left of their old hunting instinct) with for example a smal german jagd terrier or patterdale
  11. if a smaller breed will make a better ratter. i don;t know but for me in at least some cases it would probably help. one reason there will fit more dogs in my ratting side car rig if the dogs are smaller. but for me the main reason for me is that a smaller dog is able to chase the rats down in smaller more narrow spaces. i alllready see a lot of profit in my smaler paterdale terrier compared to my bigger kooiker x boerenfox. the patterdale can go inside a lot of places that the boerenfox x kooiker can't. an other extra advantage is that i need to climb a lot with my dogs and in some cases i
  12. 5/5,5 kg is allready quite a bit smaller than my small patterdale i got right now. stil not near the weight of the praagse ratler though but with a jack russel i at least know that it could be a great ratter with the smaller praagse ratler i also have my doubt. not so much due to size(my way smaller ferrets also handle rats fine) but more because of some described caracter things of the praagse ratler.
  13. i just heard that you are breeding plummer terriers is that correct?

    1. WHWT


      yes she was lined two days ago.


    2. WHWT
    3. huckelberry


      i'm kind of new on this forum thought i send you a personal message but it seems to be something else i'm unaware of sorry for that


  14. what are the smaller ratting dog breeds? i would love to find a good ratting dog that is small enough able to go after rats that are hiding under pallets and such. my patterdale can sometimes get under a bit but not enough and certainly not quick enough to catch them. yes my ferrets can also do the same job but they are not so simple to control as a dog.
  15. how small are the smallest jack russels that you know off? what weight how high?
  16. if you know any good plummer nests you can always give me a shout. and i'll try and work something out to get a pup here.
  17. does anybody here have experience with this dog? i think it could be handy at times, to have an extra small dog added to the ratting team. Pražský Krysařík - Wikipedia EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG
  18. i would love to get one but they will be hard to find here in the netherlands
  19. that is also more or less the case. i hang my rats in the colder months (when there are not many fleis around) on the back of my trailer. both as trophy. as a comercial sign for my rat hunting buisness. and to let them turn cold and loose the fleas on the way home . and an extra advantage is that i don't got many bumper sticking cars on my ass that way.
  20. when i went out to choose the right dog out of 2 nests of patterdale pups. i took with me i big wild living brow rat in a cage. i allready had my mind on one of the pups but when i showed her the rat she didn't want anything to do with the rat. so we took out the other pups from both nests. and van hamelen the dog that i got right now did not hesitate a moment and went like crazy for the rat in the cage. at that moment i knew that would become my dog. and form that moment on she went with us every rat hunt. only when there where young rats i let her do the killing and held my other 2 dogs ba
  21. do you mean those 2 rats hanging not on the back of the trailer but on the back of my top case? they hang there because they came from a different job. one of the jobs was poison free the other one not. so from one job ferret food the rats from the other job where going under ground.
  22. just wondering why is the need to wait for their adult teeth? i have heard it before, but would like to know why. i have a patterdale that started killing rats a lot earier. and she still is a great ratter now.
  23. as far as a know ferret kibble can be as bad or even worse than some ferret kibble. i thought the most important thing was that. it had a high meat percentage. and as little as possible carbohydrates. my ferrets get verry little amount of kibble anyhow compared to meat.
  24. just wondering what others feed their ferrets and how they get there ferret food. ill start of with my own the main food for my ferrets are brown rats. i hunt mostly brown rats with my ferrets so that is what i catch the most, and so what i feed them the most. i only keep the rats for food that i'm quite sure of that they can not have eaten poisen. i keep these rats in a freezer of 160liter and so far when i can fill it all the way up in the winter months i got enough food for them for the summer months when the ferrets get there pups and so eat more and the ratting jobs are less
  25. 2 storke and ferrets. they can both be great for ratting but the combination of the 2 is not ideal of course. first use a ferret and after that the 2 stroke would not be a problem. but first the 2 stroke and than a ferret.... does not seem like a good idea to me. but there must be a given time for the fumes to be safe to use ferrets again. just wondering what time would be needed. has anybody here got an idea? has anybody here been in such a situation?
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