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Everything posted by SONOFSOIL

  1. Cant imagine having to train for a fight and then fight when your over 40 unreal, think i would need more than peds ?
  2. But the building was pulled eh, these are not buildings just falling down, just about zero resistance, concrete and steel tends to be a little bit better than that.
  3. In a clip i put up earlier lucky larry siverstein tells you they pulled the building, pull is demolition language
  4. Building 7, they announced it 20 mins early if i remember right ?
  5. Was his second name bush by any chance?
  6. Would say they have done and funded more terrorism than anyone
  7. Not just looking at his shape mate, ive always liked povetkin, whyte was waiting for him to gas, got stuffed, father time as caught up with him.
  8. Povetkin got bigger tits than sam fox, hes shot to bits, been a good fighter for sure, whyte should win easy imo
  9. You can go with the official story then an i go with the truth ? not looking to do myself favours or strengthen my argument. Atb
  10. And the rest as they say is history. So you think 4, 5 unarmed hijackers can overcome 100 plus passengers take over the plane and joyride in american airspace, c'mon not a chance.
  11. Who knows, no records of flight 11 or 77 on the day, this is fact.
  12. Exactly fella, same well placed hammer blows that dropped the towers almost at freefall speed into there own footprint, same principle different technology?
  13. What was the stuff that covered the city, not much concrete and steel stayed together, got to be other energy involved, just my opinion, not trying to change anyone's mind, think for yourself?
  14. I dont go with it or against it, but i do know that aluminium and jet fuel alone could not turn the twin towers to dust before they hit the ground?
  15. I dont trouble myself with what hit the buildings, but i sure as hell know it wasnt a group of pakis on flight 11 and 77
  16. Dont you think 3000 dead folks deserve justice?
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