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Everything posted by SONOFSOIL

  1. which comic did you dig that from? Israel is a doomed state, not anytime soon but some day, the garbage from the hills and caves of warsaw will get the boot, they always have and they always will.
  2. Rubbish fella, plain and simple, israel turns the screw daily on the Palestinians, they give them no choice, israel doesn't want peace, never as, conflict is good for them, terrible for Palestinian people, more land will be occupied, stolen, less food and water and other essential stuff, still they never give in, gaza is an area of kids basically, average age of about 17, about all judas can manage.
  3. Ive had dogs live longer than the American dream?
  4. Nope im a believer in the holohoax ?
  5. Be non here if it was left to me, no mosques, no jew or synagogue, just white, how it should be, no foreigners in government or xbreds , but at the same time i would leave other races and nations in peace. That surley would be better for you, no peeling spuds in afghan then laddie
  6. Your as thick as a whale omlet, do you know what as been happening for the last 70 odd years? People have been bulldozed out of the homes and moved on, no right of return, they resist, i take my hat off.
  7. Bizarre, your asking a question like that at a time like this? Israeli bombs have killed around 60 kids and counting as we speak, they also control the food, water, electricity and everything else, thats terrorism. ?
  8. Jesus man, your digging yourself a great big hole. I see the Israeli government terrorising the Palestinians day in day out in 1 form or another, ive seen britain and america terrorising for them on a huge scale, not to mention the dirty deeds of the mossad. I also know what they did in the Soviet union, and why they got the boot from Germany, the list is endless.
  9. Karma fella, jews are the ones that bang the drumb for immigration, multiculturalism, and gender bending, you sow, you reap.?
  10. Total and utter rubbish mate, jews are the most protected race on earth, they will never be seen as anything other than victim, even when they are clearly the aggressor.
  11. And its the foreign policies of Britain and America thats caused the shit, should have left them to it, but Israel damands we take out there enemies?
  12. Is there only the bbc on your tv? I think you will find its the jews that want/have everything of value, banks, diamonds, media ect.
  13. The british already done that 1 fella, thats why we are in this mess today, judas is judas im afraid.
  14. Its not about who cares for who, its a simple case of right and wrong.
  15. Been booted from 109 countries apparently, for being to nice i suppose, heres to 110?
  16. Her whos getting nowhere with some silly court case? Not my type at all.
  17. They will change there minds when they see the jew bitches, that miriam margolyes is a looker in that tribe.?
  18. You know it, sames as they didnt give a shit about the so called jews in the concentration camps during ww2, zion as used that to get what they want (israel) amongst things?
  19. History as taught them nothing, it wont be like that forever.?
  20. Iran? Why dont Israel attack them then instead of trying to get america to do it, lets see what they made of.
  21. Funded and protected by several superpowers, they wouldn't be there without that.
  22. Thats bs, plenty would go at em if it wasnt for america, they cant even beat unarmed Palestinians.
  23. Old judas killing brits at the king david hotel
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