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Everything posted by SONOFSOIL

  1. Not only are they in the worst prison on earth, if they resist at all they are terrorists, fecked always.
  2. We should be helping arm the Palestinians, return the favour for israel arming the argentineans during the falklands war, killing british troops indirectly, dirty scum, supposed to be our allies.
  3. I think arum,warren, hearn want money pal, the more the merrier.?
  4. Did they know? What do you think bob arum and frank warren would say if fury didnt want to take the biggest payday he and them could make at the moment? I think he would be looking for a new team sharpish.
  5. A sensible post. I think wilder will need another dummy to knock over before he fights fury again, if anyones to blame its management not fighters.
  6. But your going to look like that if you dont take the bet.?
  7. Dont think he would turn it down, think wilder will take a tune up before the winner of aj and fury.
  8. Maybe, still think it could happen, looks like team wilder are in the driving seat. Aj v usyk be worth watching.?
  9. Proper man that roy keane, proper captain, i did prefer vieira though?
  10. And im not doing shearer down. I think messi is the king of solo.?
  11. Alan shearer was far more reliant on his fellow players than lionel messi, messi is capable of scoring goals from anywhere, beating multiple defenders if need be, i think he is king of the assist also, different gravy to the likes of shearer, van nistelrooy.
  12. Yes indeed, but you got to remember the ruling is against fury, not in his favour, if he as to fight wilder it will be for a lot less money and a chance of being knocked out, then wilder gets the joshua mega fight.
  13. Looks like a smooth patterdale to me?
  14. Once wilder gets his millions, he will step aside and the fight will happen.?
  15. Can see why that clive looks fooked ?
  16. Cracking bit of viewing, decent english folk, top location.
  17. Maybe, dont think ron would play in the mud like g best, wouldnt suite his image.
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