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Everything posted by JakeFury

  1. Shooting mine back to back with my 100 today. There's sod all in it. Problem as my 100 loved the FX 4.52s I've just shot the last bloody tin gotta find more.
  2. Yeah good Rifle that. Easy to tune for great results too. Good call mate, I forget about them, I'll have to get one meself
  3. I emailed JSB to ask what they were doing it about. They got straight back to me. It seems they are about to answer with a solution.. They concerned to hear, but say they've got an upcoming solution. Good-ish news
  4. This is of course why BASC have been so difficiemt...
  5. That is still on their website.??? Whaaat? Can someone please print this to a pdf to be sure they don't take it down. I'm going to send this to them. These people are incompetant.
  6. Yeah it will be a pisser But don't give up before you started. Have some fun whilst you can and kick up a stink with me. I've been told there maybe some alternatives coming, I've been emailing around like hell. Just buy a Kral and have some fun.. Don't get anything expensive
  7. BASC have been on my list for a while. In my view, and it is, in my view they've formed a dangerous and unholy alliance, at least by buying into the "environment" topic, like the Nimbies in the 80s who stopped so many vital road developments leaving our nfrastructure under nourished, by teaming up with the crusties to block such needed developments as I see it. BASC are playing a dangerous game, one whose other players woud gladly see our pastimes and interests destroyed whilst cosily clutching their perceived moral superiority, they ride roughshod over our cultural heritage.
  8. Sold. Down the fkin River I'm ringing them tomorrow. You are cancelled.
  9. Everyone knows what I'm going to say. Kral Puncher / Puncher Jumbo... Any Kral with a decent length barrel.
  10. I am afraid you may be right Jimmy. The only thing that's going to stop this is... Us.... You've all taken a lot recently. Vested interest groups running everything. What about your.vested interest group guys we gon a take this lying down? I have more news from the NSRA who thankfully have a wholly different view from BASC. I am just waiting to make sure I can share what he said with you. Which I can't see why I can't.... Some of. Includes his personal. Views so I have to be clear about what is and what isn't
  11. It's so hard to consider buying a top flight Rifle nowadays. What I've seen over the weekend, the Krals are just so good. I'm going to regulate my Jumbo. And I might get a Puncher to reg as well. I'm having so much fun with it. If you are thinking about a PCP do yourself a favour and get a Kral.
  12. RFD was head in sand. Its not gonna happen, and its ages away. I seems to be debatable actually how far off it is. And tbh... The bodies BASC and NSRA should be saying... No... No... You'll ruin our sport and our output is too low to consider... So. No... But they won't, as they think it might not happen. But these are some serious cretins at the pointed end of this BS.
  13. Yeah I'm afraid this is a real possibility, as I've said the lagacy manufacturers been caught napping. I'm sure we aren't out the game yet though, but it'll require some creative thinking. I tell you what.. There's clearly feck all of that going down at Air Arms. Weihrauch either (ckin nice though).. It'll be the Czechs it'll be bio degradable plastics and steel ballistics.. And lots of cleaning rods
  14. Chuff me, you lot are so easily distracted. Wheres my bloody sympathy. Hahaha ??
  15. Ah knackers Just looking at my LGV Trigger, I rate the action on these. The rotary piston design is super. The barrels are the right length for full power, don't let them be any slower otherwise the short barrel won't work. 11.5 no less with 8.4 grains otherwise they are hold sensitive. Unfortunately my trigger casting is worn... I've tried Bagnalls, any one know where I can get one.?
  16. That FFS was aimed at H&N by the way mate lol
  17. FFS...... Have you got some grain scales mate? Sounds like they aren't the correct weight to me, thafs a big jump in energy for something with a finite ability to discharge energy like a spring.
  18. It does amaze me that H&N have just thought... Ah... OK.... That looks OK let's leave it at that.
  19. Good points mate. BASC are making a huge mistake. They've gone the nimbies route. Remember all the road protestor that halted road developments in the 80s. BASC have bought into the environmental movement, seaking to ride on the coat tails of all the dodgy science, to further the very activity the upper echelons actually want to ban. Stupid stupid stupid.
  20. Watching YouTube... Hope to work from home soon mate... Getting bored.
  21. Shame the Kricket isnt a 0.177 Mind you I'm broke at the moment so wouldn't make any odds
  22. If it's not JSB in origin and 8.4g it won't group in any of my Rifles... The problem is those pellets are so far ahead... Like one hold 35yard groups with no thought from by my Kral and 100 no point in me getting any thing else.. H&N always seem to let me down... Tried em all.
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