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Everything posted by JayB0

  1. You watch, he won't touch another rifle now?
  2. This is what I'm wanting to look into for my hw97, just need some info on prices and all that.
  3. If only I'd of known about this last month?
  4. We were looking at big sacks of the mix your using, but we wernt sure if it was any good for the sqizzlers, but If so its only £10 a massive sack of it from the allotment huts.
  5. At least he can't use the same joke twice on me!?
  6. Well we went out for a long day's shooting on the feeder and farm. I Managed to bag the first squirrel myself today after Jimmy had followed it to the feeder(how the tables have turned?) it just stopped and looked right at me through the scope so thought it would be rude not too. Then after a canny wait the next one decides to waltz into Jimmy's Crosshairs and was dropped instantly. We saw about 4 more but do to interruptions they were scared off. We then called it a day and decided to walk the farm. It was mad quiet and not much about but eventually Jimmy spots his first rabbit
  7. In all defence Jimmy said wait till they were on the feeder? they weren't.. ?
  8. im hoping to bud, and the hw35 is just about ready too. Jason
  9. There's nothing wrong if it is as good?
  10. I have been looking at custom stocks and I have to say they look amazing but the prices dont?
  11. I'd like it to shoot that nice, I can tell you that for nout?
  12. I'm keen to see how it fairs Phil, was having a look about at nv scopes and the 007.
  13. Today's the day that I finally own a proper rifle, as bigmac97kt put it this morning? Finally took his advice on what to get and what's good out there, and after deciding I wasn't the biggest fan of pcp and enjoyed a springer more, it was just by luck the local range and 2 pretty much brand new hw97s in, it was between a sporter stock or a KT and we both loved the stock on the KT so it was decided that it was mine. So picked it up today and put the Hawke vantage on and now to get it polished which I'm sure Jimmy will gladly help with? just to get it zeroed and ready for going out sho
  14. If I remember right it's 22" I think Atbjason
  15. Does anyone know of a decent drop in kit for the HW35. ATVB Jason.
  16. Fancied trying my luckk at restoring an air rifle to the same Standards as BigMac97kt (long shot I know lol) One of Phillpot’s mates had given me old Russian rifle to practice on before I attempted my HW35, So I spent the best part of a week stripping the old varnish and the green paint off the whole rifle, and sanding away all the roughness, and uncovered some amazing grains. Tonight I popped down to Jimmy’s, as he has a bench grinder and to clean up all the parts of the action, which was a lot easier in my head I might add. So now it’s been polished and just waiting on me buyi
  17. If you text me your address Phil, I’ll send you my .22 jsb slugs, got a sample of 50 and only used like 4.
  18. It was great to meet you too bud, really enjoyed myself and can’t wait to get to work on the 35 once I’m ready? ATVBJason
  19. What’s the prices of them like?
  20. That’s great bud, thank so much. I’m liking the look of the middle hw35. Looking forward to meeting you and getting myself out there. ATVBJASON
  21. First my ripped pants and now this, I’m worried about Saturday now? ATVBJason
  22. I’ve looked all over the place and can’t see anything at all, everything else is available for the fwb just not the sights, best I could see was a 99 sight. ATVB Jason
  23. Don’t suppose you have a any pictures of what it was like before? I’d really like to see the difference.
  24. 14??imma be lucky to own 2 decent ones. ATVBJASON
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