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Everything posted by chartpolski

  1. Ahh, the good old days ! Cheers.
  2. £8 for 20kg at my supplier. Ive had all my birds on wheat through the winter but the chicks I bred last year are starting to lay , so time to get them on the layers pellets. Cheers.
  3. Grebby, have you ever thought of posting something original, starting your own thread ? I can see by the way you are always the antagonist on threads that you are probably educated and erudite, but I’m sure you could add to the site with positive posts. I don’t think you could add to the Lurcher and Running dog forum, but I’m sure you could be good for the General forum, so I don’t really understand why you are always out for a bite or a rise ?? Cheers.
  4. I’m savouring it mate ! I’ve also been gifted this; but I’m waiting for a friend to visit who I know also enjoys an exceptional gin before opening it . Cheers.
  5. To be honest, I’ve watched Newcastle have a good win, I’ve watched darts that have been top class , then watched Michael Parkinson interview Peter Cook and now I’m watching a programme on Led Zeppelin, while enjoying a rather nice glass of , dare I say it, Russian import vodka, so debating with someone who has had dozens of user names doesn’t come very high on my priorities tonight. No offence, Grebby , and I’d still have that pint with you next time you’re up here . Cheers,
  6. You said my post was like Mien Kampf, fair enough, it was fairly right wing, I accept that, as I consider myself a right of centre person . Your post, to me, reads like something out of the Corbyn-Abbot play book. I understand you are trying to get a rise, but I also understand you don’t really want to piss me off or try and make me look like a fool, as I’ve always been always courteous to you in your various guises on here, so, if you don’t mind , I’ll bow out of this conversation. Cheers.
  7. Grebby just loves to be be obstreperous, he’s not a bad lad , next time he’s in Morpeth I’ll gladly have a pint with him ! Cheers.
  8. Yes . Simply rejecting any opinion isn’t debating, Grebby, you need to put forward opposing and valid opinions , of which I’d be happy to reflect on and either accept or reject. Cheers.
  9. Well it wasn’t out of Marks & Engels Communist Manifesto ! LOL ! I’m interested to know what points you disagree with ? Im in the later stage of life, it’s you young bucks that have to deal with what is coming…. Cheers.
  10. Wilfy, I completely agree ! Apart from where you say £8 million a day, it’s just been revealed it’s £15 million a day ! I would turn them back mid channel, if they sink, it was their choice to try it ! I would stop ALL overseas aid, I would f**k off the ECHR and anyone who made it to our shores would be sent to an African hell hole. Any foreign criminal would be deported immediately. Any immigrant legally getting here would get no benefits until they had worked and paid into the system for ten years , and if committing any crime, they and there dependents would be deported.
  11. That’s why I said “ I don’t know”. Its like Labour demanding the end to “ non-dom “ status. I’m not even sure if I was “non-dom” when I lived and worked abroad but I signed papers to say I was “non-resident for tax purposes “ back in the 70’s . It meant I didn’t pay tax on the interest I earned on the money I sent home to a UK bank account. As soon as I came home, I had to inform the bank and the government that I was again a UK resident, but I certainly wasn’t a millionaire or a rich person that Labour describe “non-doms” as, I was just a bloke who left home to work abroad for a bett
  12. I have sympathy for those who are really hard up , but to be honest , no one should be poor , cold or hungry in this country ! The benefits system makes sure of that. If I couldn’t afford to eat or keep warm, the first things that would go would be the iPhone, Sky and the telly ! Sure, people are suffering, but suffering like we were in the 50’s and 60’s ? I don’t think so. People who obviously can’t work or take care of themselves should have a decent life provided by the tax revenues the government collects, not one penny should go to overseas aid, it should be spent at home,
  13. That’s why you diversify ; cash , metals, stones, property, shares, etc. Don’t keep all your eggs in one basket . Cheers.
  14. Why is everything black or white, yes or no, east or west, with you ? Some of us have chose to live life on our own terms, even old Wilfy made a life changing choice. Mackem and myself chose to tread a different path, Greyman has went his own way it seems. If life pisses you off here in the UK, make a decision, accept it or do something about it! Just reading between the lines of your posts , you seem a handy lad, you could make a go of something outside your comfort zone ! Give it a go mate , believe me, it’s an adventure! Cheers.
  15. Id better get all those £’s ,$’s , €’s and ¥’s out of the safety deposit box and buy gold ! Cheers.
  16. But you want the Russians to take it off them ! Get a grip , young’un ! Cheers.
  17. Us old far right capitalists know the game, mate ! LOL ! Cheers.
  18. One of the best I’ve seen on here ! Kudo’s Grebby !
  19. Nope, you can’t live decently without money. Sad, but true. Even Russia and China accept that communism has failed. Capitalism may be bad but it’s the least bad, to paraphrase Churchill. The old saying “money can’t buy you happiness “ is complete nonsense, of course it can, I’m far happier with a wedge in the back poke than being in debt ! Cheers.
  20. I asked Hamed if he preferred the smooth or feathered , he said it made no difference to the hunting ability, it was all about breeding. He kept both types in his kennel; Cheers.
  21. My late daughter with some of Hamed Ghunaims pups; I was offered on as a gift if I could get it back to the UK without quarantine, but it proved impossible at the time . Cheers.
  22. Doesn’t answer the question . Millions lining up to cross the American borders , how many are trying to get into Russia ? Cuba has great free health care so why are they all trying to get to America ? You say you wouldn’t leave the U K ; why not, you and your family could start a new life in Russia if it’s so great , but I’m sure you wouldn’t even if you were offered free flights and accommodation! Cheets.
  23. I wonder how many Russians would like to emigrate to the USA, and how many Americans would like to emigrate to Russia…. Cheers.
  24. Mate, you still fail to understand that it’s all a game between opposing sides, ( the Great Game). You’ve picked sides and think Russia is right and the West is wrong. That’s your prerogative. I look at it and think they are all c**ts, but if I have to choose sides , I choose which c**ts are the least cuntish ! Ive lived a long time, seen the world and made a choice and think it’s in my best interest to choose the West as the least cuntish and the best option for me. You keep asking my opinions, so how about I ask one of you ? You only have the choice of living in Russi
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