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Everything posted by chartpolski

  1. Don’t you fucken start aswell ! LOL ! Cheers.
  2. The decline can be traced back to various points in time; the retreat from East of Suez, the end of WW2 or even the end of WW1, but the timeline I mentioned is where I see the decline personally in my life. Cheers.
  3. I started this thread asking “what is happening to my country ?”. That it is on a downward spiral I’m of no doubt, even Starmer is on record as saying things will get worse. Whos to blame for this ? Well, if I ran a country and it was going bankrupt, I’d be to blame ! So, who runs the UK ? Well, , nominally, it’s the government, ( I say “nominally” because someone is bound to say it’s not the government, it’s the Royals/ Establishment/Deepstate/ WEF/ Masons/Illuminatti, take your pick.), but it’s the government that makes the rules. The Tory’s have overseen 14 years of decl
  4. I wouldn’t know I sit in my middle class house in its middle class estate and don’t mix with the lower class proletariat ! PMSL ! Cheers.
  5. Once again, I’ve never said we could, or should, use their, or anyone else’s, system. You inferred I’m middle class, I consider myself working class, as I’ve worked all my life until I retired. But I’m not a great fan of the class system; you can change or improve your financial status but I don’t think you can change your class status The “upper class “ can be skint and a billionaire can still be “working class” . As for the UAE, actual Emirate’es are a minority in their own country but are well taken care of with free housing, health, pensions, etc. The countries wealth is
  6. I’m working class mate; worked all my life. Cheers.
  7. My missus will be there in march visiting the grandson, I’m already writing a list of tax free goodies I want. Naughty , right wing, capitalist, tax avoiding boy that I am ! LOL ! Cheers.
  8. I’m not denying anything ! I’m simply saying that tax rates raised above a certain level results in less tax revenue. Cheers.
  9. I was reading dogs for sale notices in a vets window one time in Tokaroa, NZ, and there was an ad for government pest controllers. It was to cull possum, you were paid by tail count, but it was for setting 1080 poison bait stations in the forestry A great book to read about deer, pig , goat cullers in NZ is “A Good Keen Man”, by Barry Crump. He was the real life inspiration for Crocodile Dundee. Cheers.
  10. You remind me of this! LOL ! Cheers.
  11. Exactly ! Crackdown on the fraud and loopholes; don’t raise taxes to an unacceptable limit and deter investment and expansion. As for the oil windfall tax of, I think it is 95%, but I could be wrong, a major oil company recently pulled out of the North Sea and invested in the Mexican gulf because it simply wasn’t profitable anymore. So, lost tax revenue, lost jobs . Cheers.
  12. I didn’t say the mega rich shouldn’t bear more of the brunt. I say if you reach a point when they feel they are paying to much, they up sticks and leave and we get less tax revenue, more unemployment. Labour are not business friendly, they will push to far, just like raising the windfall tax on North Sea oil profits is driving investors away. Getting the tax loopholes closed would bring in more revenue than raising tax rates to an unsustainable level. Cheers.
  13. Yeah, knock on your neighbours door and ask if you can borrow their beef joint to make a bit of gravy. Or ask if they could rub a bit of soap on your wet flannel. Ahh the good old days, I remember them well, rickets, head lice, ringworm, outside toilets, , kids up chimneys, down mines, how I miss those days ! LOL ! Cheers.
  14. I’m assuming you know off “the Laffer Curve” ? There comes a point when the tax rate gets up to a percentage that the tax revenue actually falls. You can only tax people or business to a point when they say it’s not worth it and either work less to drop into a lower tax bracket or move their assets to a tax haven or a country with a less oppressive tax regime. So the “taxing the rich ‘till the pips squeak” is counter productive once it reaches a certain level . Cheers.
  15. I simply don’t agree with this “we should all be equal” Labour/Socialist/Communist nonsense. I don’t want to be equal to the lazy bloke who isn’t interested in working for a living or bettering his circumstances. Im not clever enough to be an entrepreneur or brave enough to risk everything to start up a business but I don’t despise the success of people who do. Of course we have to support the sick, the old, the disadvantaged , but to make everyone “equal “ inevitably means “levelling down”. Lets not forget, Big Business and the rich pay the majority of tax, something like
  16. I’m certainly not naive enough to think Reform will get everything right but at the moment I can’t see an alternative to support in the hope of dislodging the Tory’s and Labour. We can’t go on with more of the same. Cheers.
  17. Farage, and us, are up against the whole Establishment and most of the media. They won’t just give up and walk away, they will fight dirty. Remember the Labour MP Chris Bryant using Parliamentary Privilege to lie about Farage and Russian money ? He was proven to have lied and had to apologise….he was given a knighthood ! Useful idiots who still think the Tory’s and Labour are on their side will believe any disinformation and lies spread about Farage while blissfully ignore the likes of Starmer and Badenoch lying to our faces . Cheers.
  18. I reckon the legacy media and political parties are terrified of him and will do anything to vilify him . Its going to get very dirty. Cheers.
  19. I saw the headlines then read the full transcript and watched the full interview with Chris Hope. Anti Farage outlets and politicians have selectively taken sections out of context, but I think Farage should not have walked into the trap. His first sentence was I don’t want her back, he should have left it at that and not expanded. Judt my opinion, but I am a Farage/Reform supporter ! LOL ! Cheers.
  20. Not quite, he said he doesn’t want her back, but being in a high security prison here might be better than her being free in a Syria governed by Islamist radicals. Hes tweeted that he reaffirms he doesn’t support her returning here . Cheers.
  21. Disappearing Dog …. Cheers
  22. But do you agree or disagree with my dissertation ? “Long winded” ? Good job I didn’t start pontificating about “Overton Windows “ and “Laffer Curves”you’d have fell asleep ! LOL ! Cheers.
  23. Problem is it a catch 22, a vicious circle. Farms that have been in the same families for centuries, I’m not talking about landed gentry, they allways find a way round iht and death duties , I’m talking about normal everyday farmers like the ones who let me do a bit of ferreting , who I buy a bag of wheat from for my hens, they are asset rich because the price of land has risen dramatically because the big businesses, hedge funds, pension funds, etc have bought up land as a tax haven. These small family farmers now have very little cash in real terms and a profit margin of around 0.5-1%.
  24. £22 billion to Norway for a carbon capture plant that won’t make one iota of difference to world climate change. £15 billion per year on overseas aid, £12 billion for eco projects in Africa, £3 billion extra per year guaranteed “for as long as needed “ to Ukraine, £500 million to FOREIGN farmers. £350 million in aid to India , the worlds third or fourth biggest economy, bigger than ours ! Thats just off the top of my head, there will be far more. Cheers.
  25. Much like Brown sold off our gold…. As I regularly say, I despise both the Tory’s and Labour. The Tory’s took 14 years to become so toxic they were roundly rejected; Labour have done it in six months. It won’t be everyone’s favourite reading, but the financial reports paint an alarming picture of the British economy. Gilt buyers demanding higher and higher returns; fiscal overhead reduced from £11 billion to £1 billion, OBR projected growth this year of 2% now adjusted to zero growth. In other words we are virtually skint and being held to ransom by lenders. To buy in th
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