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Everything posted by chartpolski

  1. A guy asks a simple question; " Deerhound crosses, anyone still use them?", and as usual it turns into a "this X is crap, this X is great, my X is better than yours" nonsense.To answer the question, there are some guys in Scotland, who are on this site, who are not getting involved in the arguments, but must be laughing their socks off as they own 1st and 2nd X deer/greys that are awsome on hares. It's a pointless argument, 'cause you get the X you think is best for you; anything from a beddy/whippet to a deer/grey. Cheers.
  2. Had my Lurcher pup at the vet's today for a couple of stiches in her foot, nothing serious. While I was waiting I saw a poster for the anti-docking campaign. There was 'photos of various docked breeds with full tails, some indeed looked strange, Jack Russell, Rotweiller, for instance. But the one that caught my eye was the Doberman, the tail made it look racier. My own Doberman is docked, but after seeing this photo I wouldn't mind if she had a tail. One of the arguments for docking is that terriers that go to ground should be docked, erm, what about the Bedlington? The goverment should keep o
  3. Welcome aboard mate, no, your not ancient, thats old fogeys like me who were at Pelaw and Stanley in the 60s and 70s !!! All the best. Cheers.
  4. Are you honestly telling me a whippet is 2 1/2 seconds faster than a greyhound over 150 meters? If you believe that, please tell me where you race and I will bring a greyhound and match your best, purebread whippet for any amount of money. Mush, we are on a different wavelength, in terms of pure M.P.H., a greyhound is the fastest pure bred dog. I agree about distance, my old saluki would beat most dogs over a great distance, but could not reach the outright M.P.H. of a greyhound. Cheers. P. Whippet, as per your times, a handicapper would have to give the greyhound 39 metres start over
  5. Sorry mate, a pure bred whippet will not beat a greyhound over any distance, ask any genuine whippet racer or courser for an honest answer and they will agree with me. Nothing against whippets, I've owned far more whippets than greyhounds, simply stating facts. Cheers. P.S., how's the stag pup coming on? Mush, what purebreed of dog do you reckon is faster than a greyhound ? Cheers.
  6. Welcome aboard, great looking dogs, allways had a liking for whippets. Hows the big fawn dog in the3rd photo bred? Cheers.
  7. I'm a firm believer in having at least 50% greyhound in my lurchers, but a pup out of one of those whippets and one of those salukis might change my mind!!!! Cheers,
  8. I was heavily involved in whippet racing in the heydays of the 60s and 70s. The old adadge was "a bad greyhound will allways beat a good whippet" and I never saw anything to disproove that, over any distance from 100yds to 240yds. Pedigree whippets invariably sat off the top handicap mark and whippet/greyhound hybrids off the lower marks. In "no limit" scratch racing, greyhounds would normally win, in "under 21" scratch racing it would be 1st cross whippet/greyhounds. In my opinion, the greyhound is the fastest breed of dog by far. The saluki has better staying power but cannot match the greyh
  9. In the Horn of Africa region, pregnant women eat soil as a vitamin/mineral supplement. I may be mistaken, but isn't "Fullers Earth" the old health drink, a reffined soil? Cheers.
  10. Try P.M.ing Pat Blewitt on smoochers, I'm sure his excellent dog Flynn is that breeding. Cheers.
  11. Should never pull them off, leaves the head still embedded. Any decent pet shop sells tick powder. Cheers.
  12. chartpolski


    There was wild boar in Chopwell woods, Tyne and wear. Confirmed by DEFRA, who sent a marksman who killed one. They were escapees from a local game farm. This is in the Braes of Derwent area but I can,t remember hearing of them ever being hunted. Check out DEFRA's web sight. More wild boar in U.K. than most people realise. Cheers.
  13. Happy new year everyone!! My resolution was to not get involved in controversy on hunting site forums, but I'm allready going to break it! Every bed/ whippett 1st cross I have seen has been far to small to be much good at owt bar bushing and no better than a terrier or spaniel. I must admit I've never seen a 22" 1st cross, so there may be some good un's out there. A bed/ grey or bed/whippet x grey, in my opinion is a far better option. I must stress this is only my opinion, my own pup has bed/grey/deer/whippett in her so I have nothing against Bed Xs. Cheers.
  14. Anyone know where the Tynedale is meeting on boxing day? Cheers.
  15. By far the most common breed in my two local rescues are staffs and staff crosses. Far to many people get them as accessories and soon get sick of them. Cheers.
  16. Hi Blackbob, your post was about "lurchers" Vs "bull x s' " (?) , my point is, get the "dog" you think will be suitable for the work you expect. Train it to the best of your ability and hope for the best, don't try to start a " my type is better than your type" argument, it's gone on ad nauseum many times before and gets nowhere. Cheers.
  17. What a load of shite!!! I'm sorry that I had to reply to this wind up, I hope nobody else do'se!! Everyone has their own type of Lurcher, and yes, a bull X is a lurcher!! Cheers. and by the way, who's dogs can be "gauranteed"?
  18. Over the years I've had dogs and bitches, at the moment I have two bitches, one spayed before I got her and the other just a pup. the only difference is obviously you can't work the bitches during their season, apart from that I have never seen any difference in trainabillity or workabillity between dogs and bitches. Cheers.
  19. There was pups by January Jack out of a ridgeback/greyhound advertised in Countrymans a few weeks ago. Not my type, but I would also be interested to learn more about him. Cheers.
  20. Stabs, how the hell do I post a photo on this thread? Cheers.
  21. Hey Dave, if there's any ferretting going give me a bell, any time, as long as I can bring Delta along, the "lang legged black and tan terrier" A.K.A. Tango, also is o.k. ferretting. Cheers.
  22. When out with my dogs around the local fields people I bump into, walking their dogs, ramblers, whatever, will often ask "seen owt, caught owt", when I tell them you have to be careful now with the hunting ban, 99% are supprised and thought the ban was only on fox hunts. Ironic isn't it that the hunts are doing exactly the same as usual While lurcher / terrier lads are being targetted. Cheers.
  23. How many of the lurcher, terrier and hunting lads actually went out and voted against Blair? I convinced my whole family to vote against labour after a lifetime of voting for them. Our M.P.s majority was slashed but the b*****d still got in because too many people in the north east still think labour is for the working man. I was at the last Waterloo Cup for all 3 days, went hunting with the North Tyne on the 19th and have been to every pro hunting demonstration Icould, but this won't change the law, only getting labour out will. Cheers.
  24. I told my brother, who has had working terriers most of his life, that I had seen dogs reffered to as "Capheaton terriers" at a couple of shows, being a man of few words, his reply was "more shite". By the way, I had a terrier about 25 years ago that was identical to these, the breeder told me it was a fell terrier. Cheers.
  25. I'd love to see a fresh fighting bull up against a matador, rather than one that has been weakened by the barbs in it's back to bleed it and the spearing by the piccadors, might be a bit fairer fight, but what do you expect from people who throw goats from church towers and load donkeys backs until they collapse, in religious ceromonies? Cheers.
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