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Everything posted by chartpolski

  1. Wilf, this is not a critique', but how many dogs have you went through, until you have got the dog that is "up to scratch" ? Is a dog that may not be the "ideal"; not good enough to be given a permenant home ?? I am a person who has spent a lifetime looking for the "DOG", but am sensible enough to realise it ain't gonna happen !!! Cheers.
  2. Allright mate !! Hope the bull x is coming on well for you. Last time I saw you both, it was just starting, hope everything is progressing !! Cheers.
  3. Unfourtunately, there is to many kids in the game now, who want a "top dog" at 6 month old !! They get pups, don't have a clue how to feed, train or house them; run them on hares, foxes, etc., at an early age, and when they don't do the "bizz", they are sold as "no fault of their own" !! Of course it is "No Fault Of Their Own" !! It's the fault of the owner !! Loads of well bred dogs spoilt !! To many people breeding "well bred lurchers", and to many "wannabee's" buying them !! Get a dog as a pup, rear it well, enter it when it's ready, and have a good dog for many years !! Cheers.
  4. Stangely enough, I have been talking to a guy I have just met, on the same subject ! He has been offered £2000 for his dog but said "no way" !! In my youth, dogs were just tools, buy, sell, swap, get rid if not good enough !! But now, as I have learned with age, a dog is for life !! cHEERS.
  5. If you mean Colin; I've just dropped World Hunter off at his house, and they're off out lamping !! It'll take more than a couple of broken ribs to stop Col doing what he enjoys !! LOL !! Cheers. Fair play to you CP............ hope they have a good night and make a good comp of it. This isn't part of the comp, it's just Woodga giving a lad a night out on the lamp and a bed for a couple of days while he runs his heat on friday. This comp is more about meeting people , having a good time and the craic, than winners and losers. Would have been out with them myself, but I would h
  6. If you mean Colin; I've just dropped World Hunter off at his house, and they're off out lamping !! It'll take more than a couple of broken ribs to stop Col doing what he enjoys !! LOL !! Cheers. Fair play to you CP............ hope they have a good night and make a good comp of it. This isn't part of the comp, it's just Woodga giving a lad a night out on the lamp and a bed for a couple of days while he runs his heat on friday. This comp is more about meeting people , having a good time and the craic, than winners and losers. Would have been out with them myself, but I would h
  7. If you mean Colin; I've just dropped World Hunter off at his house, and they're off out lamping !! It'll take more than a couple of broken ribs to stop Col doing what he enjoys !! LOL !! Cheers.
  8. Whin, when you say "grew", do you mean in the accepted sense, i.e whippet x greyhound, or are you using the term as a shortened form of "greyhound" ? Cheers.
  9. no he aint. not a bad trophy hunter either Very nice dog; good to see a dog working AND winning shows !!!! I won one of those chamber pots aswell !! LOL !! Not my dog, I was just showing it for a mate ! Cheers.
  10. alright soft lad ive seen the perents of my bitch work had 17 buns and retrieved a charlie that dont qualify me to judge every whippet in general theres good and bad in every breed thought you would like to no that as for people saying they have no stamina why do you think somebody down the line has put bull in them dont like to bitch on the net so dont expect me to bite on your next comment coz i cant be arsed waisting energy typing on you or any other muppet on here tara softlad Another "expert" who's only seen other peoples dogs run, never ran one of his own !! I've probably had dog
  11. You don't feel you have the right to pass comment............ yet you think the rest of us are talking shite ???? Contradiction in terms, methinks !!!! Cheers.
  12. I honestly don't understand how people can say "your dog/this breed will be no good for this type of land", etc. !! In the last few weeks I've ran all types of quarry at Lincs, Notts, North and South Yourkshire and Northumberland; very different types of land, and my dog has just got on with her job !!! Cheers.
  13. Mack, as you know, I've done a bit, (and still do!!!), around Northumberland, and before I got the wander lust, it was the ONLY place I worked my dogs, which at the time were predominately Whippets; if they could handle this ground, they could handle owt !!! LOL !!! Cheers.
  14. A Whippet from 40 years ago; And a Whippet 3 weeks ago, (Mally's); I've never found any problems with working Whippets !! Cheers.
  15. Don't get me wrong FF; I love Salukis and have owned pure desert bred and crosses and would have one again, but intelligent, they're not !! LOL !! Cheers.
  16. Don't believe anything you HEAR mate, only believe what you SEE !!! Cheers.
  17. Salukis intelligent ??? How many have you had mate ?? Cheers.
  18. How many is to many ?????......... One more than you can afford to kennel, feed, excersise, train, work and pay the vet bils for !!!!! Simple as that !!! Cheers.
  19. WAT IS THE LOCATION OF THE EVENT? Country wide, mate, Scotland to Cornwall ! Cheers.
  20. You keep saying you are going to do it wether the advice you're given is NOT to do IT !!!!!!!...... Just go ahead, mate, pointless talking to you, last word on this ridiculous subject from me !!!!Cheers.
  21. You don't want a running dog...... but you are going to be RUNNING a Staffy on foxes, when purpose bred dogs are readily available !!!!!! You don't want advice, you've allready made your mind up, wrongly in my opinion !! Cheers.
  22. Any amount of Stags/Roo Dogs in Vic that take foxes for fun, so why bother with a Staffy ?? Doesn't make sense to me ! Cheers.
  23. Usualy caused by starting them to soon or running them on quarry they can't catch ! Cheers.
  24. How do you find the silver reflector OS on the clulite, apparently, its ment to fade after a while? My next lamp will be a clulite i reckon, as lightforce has also let me dow a few times.. Frank. Don't forget, the bulb holder for the 50 w is smaller than the one for the 100w, the pins on the bulb are thicker and farther apart !! I know, I tried it !! Also, watch out for the wiring...a 100w has heavier wiring than a 50w, thats why the more powerful Clulite has a straight wire, rather than the coiled one !! Just buy a decent lamp, instead of messing about..... it's better in the long
  25. Been in the pub today with LDR, and of course the craic was about dogs and horses !! BUT of course there will be a drink after the competition, wouldn't expect anything less !! Looking forward to meeting you, having a gargle and a good craic !!! Cheers !!
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