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Everything posted by chartpolski

  1. The big shield will go to the winner for one year, the plates are for winner and runner up. Cheers.
  2. "Uplands Lurcher Club"; still going, as far as I know. Cheers.
  3. I think you have to much time on your hands !!! Get back to feeding and changing wor Lori !!! Cheers !!
  4. How old is your dog, mate ? My bitch is by a 1st x Heartbreak Fell Beddy/ Grey out of a Deer/ Grey x Whippet /Grey, but has thrown very much to the sires side. Cheers.
  5. Aren't Deacon and Joe both dogs ??????? Can you give a bit more info on the breeding ; is it Saluki or Hybrid ????? Cheers.
  6. I'd match Timmy with this little bugger !!! Hard as feck, after a few Hinekens !! LOL !!! Cheers.
  7. "Keep on running"; Spencer Davis. "You aint seen nothing yet"; Bachman Turner Overdrive. ?????????????? Cheers.
  8. I know a game shop in Northumberland that SELL'S them for £7 each !!!!! Calls them "organic" !!! Cheers.
  9. It will have to be some time november for me im afraid, PS MB i didnt jump on any bandwagon other night just thought it to be funny as feck if you or anyone HAD been had so to speak over the TIMMY caper, still dont know who's pulling who;s leg mind. November for me, aswell, later in Nov the better, chance to get the bitch right after lying about all summer Cheers.
  10. Deltas is still lying around the yard, will let all you lads peak to soon !! LOL !! No change in diet, but will start a bit of road work this week, and maybe a few short, sharp runs up country, daytime to get her sharpened up , and get her wind back ! Then maybe you and Woodga will let me tag allong for a night or two !! LOL !! Cheers. i would always let you tag along with me I allways tag allong with LDR 'cause he's a male nurse; dead handy for when an old twat like me has an aneurism or heart attack !!, besides, he carries all the gear !! Cheers.
  11. Deltas is still lying around the yard, will let all you lads peak to soon !! LOL !! No change in diet, but will start a bit of road work this week, and maybe a few short, sharp runs up country, daytime to get her sharpened up , and get her wind back ! Then maybe you and Woodga will let me tag allong for a night or two !! LOL !! Cheers.
  12. Get up to date mate !!!! This competition IS happening !!! All entry fee's paid, draw made and land and judges organised !! Dead easy to say, after the fact, that any dog can do it !!!! Cheers.
  13. You cruel f@@kers !! You'll be asking Mark to send fifty quid to take part in an imaginary lamping competition next !!!! LOL !!! Cheers.
  14. LDR usualy carries my rabbits, (and lamp, and batteries, and just about everything else !!), 'cause he's young and fit, and I'm old and unfit, so I se no reason to change that !!! LOL !!! Woodga found it quite amusing, last time we were out, and LDR was carrying a 20 amp battery, and I was dropping the rabbits into his ruck sack !!!! I've got a feeling it'll be "every man for himself" in the comp, though !!! Cheers PS, their dogs will peak to soon !! It's all about timing.... see that lad win the 100 metres today !!!! He's faster than my dog !! LOL !! Well as you say you're kno
  15. i really hope i do make it up that way so i can really test my bitch.well lets see if the possibley youngest member in this comp can beat some of you much older members.lol take care and good luck ,you will need it if you come up against me and theFLYingcarpet. good hunting rew What do you mean.... possibly the youngest ? How old are you ? LDR is my grandson, and Tomo is young enough to be my bairn, though I never spent much time in the Midlands !! ( Max; say nowt, I did work in Seal Sands !!) !! Cheers !!
  16. I know the area fairly well; my laddie went to school in Ashby; but I'm afraid to say, I'm from thr Toon !! And the reprobates who are running the comp are mates of mine; but it will be a fair and freindly competition !! If you make it up to here, you and you're dog will be more than welcome !! Cheers.
  17. Where you from Rew ?? I might have to poach some of Woodgas land, before the comp, just to get the bitch fit !! Cheers.
  18. I thought the jacket was for the owner !! You know, like the "Green Jacket" at the Open Golf ? !!! I would have came down for a coffee, Joe, wearing it !! LOL !! Bloody dust collecters !!! A large bottle of Black Label Smirnoff; now you're talking !! LOL !! All kidding aside, nice jacket, and a great memento for the eventual winner ! Cheers.
  19. The 200 is his main event, he trained from a kid at 200 & 400. His coaches thought he was to tall for the 100 !! Cheers.
  20. LDR usualy carries my rabbits, (and lamp, and batteries, and just about everything else !!), 'cause he's young and fit, and I'm old and unfit, so I se no reason to change that !!! LOL !!! Woodga found it quite amusing, last time we were out, and LDR was carrying a 20 amp battery, and I was dropping the rabbits into his ruck sack !!!! I've got a feeling it'll be "every man for himself" in the comp, though !!! Cheers PS, their dogs will peak to soon !! It's all about timing.... see that lad win the 100 metres today !!!! He's faster than my dog !! LOL !!
  21. Looks a bit flash for my little raggy lurcher !!! But she'll still be trying her best !! Cheers.
  22. Mark; I reply to your posts 'cause you're good craic, (if unbelievable, most of the time !!), but I re- iterate; if you get through the lamping competition to a point where you are in the North East, there will be a, (king size), bed for you, and kennels for your dogs, and you will be made most welcome, being one of the few to put their money where their mouth, (incredibly big, in your case, ! LOL !) is !! Cheers.
  23. Hi Hylts !!! I heard it was a Tory plan to send all you Mackems down touth to replace all the Poles who are going home, 'cause they can't afford the cost of living, and then are going to turn Sunderland into a landfill for our rubbish !!! (Just joking mate !!). Cheers
  24. By the same token... the less you run, the less you will catch !! Look mate, this was supposed to be a light hearted competition between like minded people !! I can honestly say I have entered for the fun of it !! I would gladly pay fifty quid to have a couple of nights on the lamp with some of these lads, on their permission, better than looking over my shoulder all the time ! LOL ! There seems to be a few people who only want to make negative comments about this competition; of course there will be a few problems, but nothing that the judges or organiser can't deal with ! Cheers.
  25. As far as I'm concerned, the rules are extremly simple !! Alternate slips , over a three hour period, dog that kills/catches the most rabbits is the winner !!!! Why make it complicated ? Cheers.
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