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Everything posted by chartpolski

  1. Hi mate, I used to live in East Cram, many years ago !! Had some good times in High Pit, Klondyke, and Burradon !!!, (the Beer Hoose was my favourite !!). Welcome to the site ! Cheers.
  2. Waiting for our pal, LDR to pick me up for a run out....... he's late, asusual !! LOL !! Cheers.
  3. what i want to know is did you ever finish the ferret cage doxy .....you know that one behind you in the pic the old side board.... thats wor lasses new sideboard, had just got it delivered, thought I would show it off behing the dogs Hi mate, I'm trying to PM you, but can't ! Cheers.
  4. Hope your not poaching my land , Gin !! LOL !! Cheers.
  5. f**k that, mate....we'll be out with the dogs this week, or have a pint or two, life goes on........................ Cheers. I think Friday night is on the cards?? or thursday night and sat morning first light???? f**k me !! She realy has left you !! If we are going to have lamping nights AND a morning walk out !! Cheers. Oh yes as churchill would say...................you'll need a new game diary for next season.................... I'm up for it, as you know mate. Cheers.
  6. f**k that, mate....we'll be out with the dogs this week, or have a pint or two, life goes on........................ Cheers. I think Friday night is on the cards?? or thursday night and sat morning first light???? f**k me !! She realy has left you !! If we are going to have lamping nights AND a morning walk out !! Cheers.
  7. f**k that, mate....we'll be out with the dogs this week, or have a pint or two, life goes on........................ Cheers.
  8. SP; he couldn't handle a proper Gerordie woman, she'd drink him under the table, the effette southern homo !! Cheers I can see the way this is gonna go................ ...............you're only jealous that i'm called a cockney cos thats where it hangs to.................... Brighton ??????? Gay capital of England ........ Cheers.
  9. SP; he couldn't handle a proper Gerordie woman, she'd drink him under the table, the effette southern homo !! Cheers
  10. "Break up of your relationship" ???? So a Geordie woman has sussed out a Cockney Waster ???? Keep in touch, mate !!
  11. This is the 2nd year it's been on; and it was advertised pleanty on here. Cheers.
  12. MLB, it's a credit to you that you entered and travelled for this !! Just a quick question; is that the same dog that Luke matched me with, last year ? Cheers.
  13. Good report, mate, hope the dog is OK !! Cheers.
  14. Well done F1, and hard lines MLB, but you deserve credit for travelling to take part !! I thought the conditions up here were good last night, so had a quick look out the back, a waste of time, very little about. Anyway, well done to you both, and to Mally for judging Cheers.
  15. Just a quick question.... why do you want a darker colour for night ? Colour is absolutly imaterial at night ! Cheers.
  16. yes it is . i think its owned by dave sleight Daves lad owns the dog and he must be getting on a bit now.Hes decended from a n whippet called Blue Peter a well known racing dog by all acounts.atb dell Blue Peter must be WAY back in the breeding !! As I recall he was around in the late '50's, early 60's ! Thats if it is the famous "Blue Peter" from Stockport. Cheers. yes it is way back as in alot more whippet pedigrees boy blues mother was out of sup rch xspell and a greyhound bitch called time please bluepeter is 7generations back in his pedigree on his mothers side Xspell
  17. cheers mate but you could be waiting all season for that perfect night . my job only allows me every other night to get out and with family commitments i just get out when i can . just hope we don't get a hard frosty winter for the lampers like last season atb farmer1. You're dead right mate !!!! If we waited for the perfect night, we would never get out !! Cheers.
  18. yes it is . i think its owned by dave sleight Daves lad owns the dog and he must be getting on a bit now.Hes decended from a n whippet called Blue Peter a well known racing dog by all acounts.atb dell Blue Peter must be WAY back in the breeding !! As I recall he was around in the late '50's, early 60's ! Thats if it is the famous "Blue Peter" from Stockport. Cheers.
  19. Good luck to both of you, and well done for Mally offering to judge !! Hope you have a laugh and both dogs run well and injury free ! Don't forget the e.o.n. pic !! Cheers.
  20. We've had enough rain around here to float the Ark !! But there is still a lot of crops up. It's still very warm, even at night, but the nights are realy cutting in, looks like the season is nearly on us !! Cheers.
  21. It looks as thought the Tories will NOT repeal the Hunting Act 2004 !! They will only AMEND it !! The MFHA and the CA are advising them on it, and it looks like it will lead to Fox Hound Packs being licsensed........ No mention of coursing !! I doubt if individuals will ever be allowed to course hares again ! Of course, I hope I'm wrong !!!! Cheers.
  22. I like to know the weight of my dogs simply for administering Drontal, Frontline, etc. Cheers.
  23. I think they're on about Keeps' forum, " The Plummer Terrier"; I cant get it now, either !! I was a member. Cheers.
  24. Looks like "Big Harry", my old stud budgie !!! Mind, he was a cracker !! LOL !! Cheers.
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