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Everything posted by chartpolski

  1. All the bar scenes were done in the Barking Dog Pub at the track as far as I’m aware. I knew everyone on the program, and I’ll be seeing some of them tomorrow at Westerhope whippets, still racing well over 50 years later. There may have been scenes shot at other clubs/pubs, that didn’t make the cut. Cheers.
  2. Tunisian Arab League Peacekeeping Force, actually. Cheers.
  3. ITV actually made a program called “It’s a dogs life at the Rising Sun” about whippet racing in 1970. My local club and the time I was heavily into the non-ped racing whippets. I managed to get an original video tape of it and made numerous DVD copies which I sent to friends here and abroad . Cheers.
  4. I was too young for either the Korean or Vietnam wars, but I have some, very, limited experience of UN operations in south east Asia; UN peacekeeping force ( UNTAC), Cambodia , c.1990. Cheers.
  5. I stand corrected . It was a UN force, which included the Gloucestershire Regiment which suffered huge casualties, but I’d say the bulk of the force was American.. Cheers.
  6. See, every day is a school day ! LOL ! Cheers.
  7. My mothers cousins had a tobacco farm in Rhodesia until the natives confiscated it. They moved to Canada and bought a farm with the money the UK gave them as compensation. Cheers.
  8. When I worked for Saudi Arabian Airlines we had a big recruiting drive from British Airways in Cardiff. A lot of the wives had never been out of Wales, and I remember on lads wife, lying on the Red Sea beach saying “ if you close your eyes, it’s just like Barry Island “ ! Cheers.
  9. Why would the RAF be firing depleted uranium munitions above Hull ? AT Hull I could understand ! LOL ! Cheers.
  10. I suppose riding them home would be better than chasing them all over the country to get them back…… Cheers.
  11. I consider it all part of his education! LOL ! Cheers.
  12. South East Asia has had its own “Great Game” from the 50’s to the 70’s the west, mainly France and America fought proxy wars in Korea and Vietnam. America fought Russia and China in Korea and it ended in a stalemate, ( a good chess word). The French were kicked out of Vietnam so the Americans had a go. China threw many divisions of troops into the war to support Vietnam, and eventually defeated America who beat an unseemly retreat. An emboldened Vietnam then invaded Cambodia, only for the Chinese to turn on them and invade Vietnam ! As the French would say “Ce la vie” ! Ch
  13. Afghanistan was the epicentre of “The Great Game”. It was the bulwark between the British Empire and the nascent Russian Empire that had its eyes on India. That little sliver of land on the east of Afghanistan was made by Britain as a “no man’s land “ between Russia and British India. Crimea was another place where the British and Russia faced off. All moves on the great chessboard. Cheers.
  14. Places like Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Chechnya, the Caucasus, have been and probably will be again, under the hegemony of Russia. Tibet, Mongolia, North Korea are under the hegemony of China Europe and the West are under the hegemony of the US. Its nothing new, it’s all part of what Kipling called “The Great Game”, a global game of chess, going on for hundreds of years. Offence, defence, bluff and counter bluff, proxy wars and world wars. The borders may change, the leaders may change, but the game won’t change . Cheers.
  15. I may be a bit biased as I’m a great fan of Omar Shariff, he was also excellent In Lawrence of Arabia, and I’m convinced my grandson looks very much like Shariff as a child ! LOL ! Cheers.
  16. Or a “two bagger” , you put a bag over her head, and a bag over your own head in case her bag falls off ! Cheers.
  17. The most disappointing film based on a book was, for me, Catch 22. Catch 22 is probably my favourite book, a book I can get enjoyment from every time I read it, but the film didn’t convey the same emotions as the book . On the other hand , I found the film Doctor Zhivago far superior to the , admittedly, classic book . Cheers.
  18. Damn black helicopters ! It’ll be the CIA or the Illuminati, or maybe the WEF, or Bill Gates or the Deep State. Or perhaps it’s just the RAF…… Cheers.
  19. All this homosexuality……They’ll be making it legal before long ; mark my words !!! Cheers.
  20. To paraphrase both Napoleon and Eisenhower; “ I’d rather have a lucky manager than a clever one !” Cheers.
  21. Apart from Nigel winning his seat, the happiest moment of the election for me was seeing that sneering, snidey little shithouse Ashworth lose his seat . Cheers.
  22. I’m crying out for some sun to ripen up my tomatoes at the allotment ! Global warming seems to have bypassed my little bit of this green and pleasant land ! All the rain we’ve had , even the ducks look unhappy ! LOL ! Cheers.
  23. Cloud seeding has been used for years in arid areas. It’s used a lot in the US, Europe, the Middle East, Russia, China, Australia. Its nothing new. It’s used to encourage rainfall . I read the Tenessee Bill and they deliberately avoided the use of the word “Chemtrail” because of its association with conspiracy theories. They were more interested in banning Solar Geoengineering, which aims to block the sun’s harmful rays from entering our atmosphere. Cheers.
  24. Ahh ! Godwins Law ! LOL ! I didn’t spot it mate ! Cheers.
  25. Why “sorry charts” ? I’m quite willing to believe the channel 4 “expose” on Farage and Reform was an establishment stitch up, all the evidence points in that direction. Of course there are conspiracies, but I believe in the formal description of the word “ conspiracy “, which is “ when two or more people conspire to break the law”. I don’t believe EVERYTHING is a conspiracy. I’ll use good old Occams Razor theory, that the simplest explanation is, usually, the best, such as “ when you hear hoof beats, assume horses…not zebras” ! Cheers.
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