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Everything posted by chartpolski

  1. I’m probably more of a Bob Fleming than a Jack Hargreaves’s ! Cheers.
  2. All of them had multiple previous convictions and one had ELEVEN previous convictions. They were warned at each court appearance that the next could result in a custodial sentence, but they kept pushing the envelope, probably thinking that they would never be jailed. The court simply ran out of patience and made examples of them. The old saying about only poking a dog so many times before it bites you comes to mind. Cheers.
  3. I think the horse had just released some…. Hence the grimace ! LOL ! Cheers.
  4. “Tales From The Man Cave” with Chartpolski. Cheers.
  5. I may not smile much, if at all, but I’m happy in the knowledge that I bring a smile to others faces ! Cheers.
  6. Have you seen me smile ? It’s not a pretty sight ! LOL ! Cheers.
  7. Ahh, the carefree days of the Raj, when the pachyderm was the Sahib’s favoured method of transport ! Cheers.
  8. I’m just an old Luddite….. Cheers.
  9. Hologram , or is that old tech now ? Cheers.
  10. We will find out tomorrow, Francie, he’s going to address the nation from the Oval Office. Cheers.
  11. The big race , The Scottish Lurcher Derby , is on this weekend. The finals on Sunday. I think the race Max won last weekend was a preliminary. Best of luck to him. Cheers.
  12. Not if she has already secured a majority of delegates before the convention, which the news channels say she has. Cheers.
  13. Isn’t it a done deal now ? She has more than enough delegates to get the nomination. Cheers.
  14. I’ve heard that my young protege is after a dog that he isn’t incessantly shouting “ come back you b*****d” to ! Cheers.
  15. In the words of the blessed Margaret Thatcher; “ Rejoice, just rejoice”. Im just having a bit of fun mate, best of luck with your pup ! Cheers.
  16. Perhaps we should be more outraged at the fact Joey Barton may be facing two years in jail because he said a female football pundit was useless ??? Shit , they would lock me up and throw the key away ! Cheers.
  17. A tractable , obedient pup and you’re unhappy ? Are you on a wind up ? Methinks you may be ! Cheers.
  18. Do you really think any of them will do a five stretch ? Theres only one who got five, the others got four. Ill be very surprised if any of them do two ! This is just a deterrent to other middle class , weekend anarchists. The whole justice system is insane and a con and an insult to a thinking person’s intelligence! Life sentence ? Ten years , out in five ! Prisons are full, hey, let’s not build more prisons, just stop sending people to prison, and let those already in, out early ! Drugs, ahh f**k it just give the doped up chav c**t who might run over your child a
  19. Beautiful to see ! Cheers.
  20. People have said to me “ why bother, a tin of peas is 30p, eggs £2 a dozen from the supermarkets. My reply is “ I get dozens of bags of peas from a 30p packet of seeds, my veggies are organic without the additional price, I use my own compost, no chemicals, no weed killer, every weed is ho’ed or hand pulled and I can have veggies on my plate half an hour from picking them, they are not flown in from all over the world” ! My eggs are from hens I’ve bred myself, they are free range and fed on organic layers pellets and home made mash , the culls when they stop laying are “recycled “ as
  21. When asked why the man who was stopped with a range finder was not questioned, she said it’s not illegal to own a rangefinder !!!!!! Cheers
  22. Watching the Trump Assassination Attempt Hearing right now. The Director of the Secret Service is being eviscerated by the panel. She’s evading, obfuscating and outright lying. They are saying outright to her face that she should be fired ! Can’t see her surviving! Cheers.
  23. Started picking and eating a lot of things from the allotment. Have got second and third crops of some things growing well. Various tomatoes; Onions and garlic on the drying racks; Green cucumbers and melon cucumbers; Hot chillis and sweet peppers starting to show; Swedes coming on well; First lot of peas and sugar snaps ready for the freezer; A lot more stuff growing well, caulis, broccoli, scallions , green beans, runner beans, rhubarb, pak Choi, Chinese cabbage. Poultry all laying well. Just n
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