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Everything posted by chartpolski

  1. You seem to see Buffet selling of some shares as the harbinger of the collapse of capitalism and the destruction of western democracies. I see Buffet selling of some shares as doing his job for his company, Berkshire Hathaway, maximising profits for himself, and his investors. I’ll ask you again; do you think Buffet will sell off his and his investors entire portfolio and not reinvest in buying shares ? He’s got to buy and sell or his company would cease to exist. Cheers.
  2. He’s the chairman of one of the worlds biggest investment companies, it’s what they do, buy and sell stocks and shares. Cheers.
  3. Why on earth would I want to delete my account ? Forums are for discussion and debate. Im always polite when discussing on here, and I am of the opinion that investors sell and buy. Do you honestly believe Buffet will sell all his investments and never invest in anything again ? He doesn’t just buy and sell stock for himself , his business is buying and selling stocks for other investors. Are you saying he is liquidating all the stocks in his portfolio ? I would assume him and his advisors have decided now is a good time to profit take and will buy in again later. Cheers
  4. And what’s the betting he buys in a few days ? Its what the rich investors do; sell high, buy low. Us ordinary folk have no chance on the stock markets. Cheers.
  5. Turkey aren’t in the EU mate. Cheers.
  6. Yep, they’ll do that, as long as the neighbours are ok ! My ducks go mental when they hear me open the allotment gate ! Cheers.
  7. Wouldn’t keep them mate ! Noisy buggers, roost in trees, not great egg producers, and an acquired taste as meat birds. I’ve got black leghorn x Bovan goldline laying hens, my own line, great layers and easy to keep. The guinea fowl will end up like them pigs; pets that your lass won’t let you butcher ! LOL ! This years chicks. Cheers.
  8. Trying to work it out; that deer x bitch I had was 8 or 9 and she died at 12 years old over 3 years ago so I think about late 2017 but I’m not sure. Too long ago though, need to do it again if you can still put up with an old f****r ! LOL ! Cheers.
  9. Yeah , but we’re still both at it ! Im still talking about that last night out, how long ago was that ? Those dog are long gone now . Cheers.
  10. It’s the last one of the three I got from you ! Trickle charging and rotation is what kept them going for the last 13 years or more ! It still gives me a night out but I’m starting to feel the weight so that’s why I’m trying the LED lithium ion lamp ! I would have bought a lithium battery for the blitz but those Labour b*****ds are taking my £300 winter fuel allowance of us pensioners, the c**ts ! LOL ! Cheers.
  11. One of my god children is a Welsh/Philipina girl, who as a child was brought up in a very male orientated environment in Saudi Arabia. As a child she was always saying she wanted to be a boy, dressing in boys clothes, boys haircut, played with boys toys etc. Of course she grew out of it, went to university and qualified as a dentist, married a doctor and has twin girls. She is representing the Philippines in the Southern Hemisphere Womens Triathlon in New Zealand. I wonder how she would have faired growing up in the U K and falling under the influence of the Trans fanatic teachers
  12. Been there , done that ! Absolutely nothing wrong with Salukis and coursing dogs, but not suited to the work I do now. Cheers.
  13. I’m easy mate, I’ve never been breed or kennel blind, as long as I know the history I’m happy, but probably not saluki, bull or collie bred. Perhaps about 1/6th bull might be acceptable. I still have a hankering for a non-ped whippet though. Cheers.
  14. Yeah, I normally keep four years between dogs, but if something special catches my eye I might take on another one . Cheers.
  15. I’ve been in the game 58 years and I honestly still get excited at this time of year as the season is about to start ! Cheers.
  16. The old 240 Blitz and SLA battery, and the new 140 LED charged up and ready to go ! Cheers.
  17. Wasn’t “the light” that was being referred to was Jesus ? John 8:2 & 9:5. Cheers.
  18. Moscow Mule; ginger beer, vodka, lime and crushed ice ! Cheers.
  19. It’s bastardising the English language. ”They” and “Them” used to be plural, now they want us to use the words as singular for these people who don’t want to be he or she, him or her. Why should we change our language when the vast majority of people believe there are only two sexes , male and female ? Cheers.
  20. Home made pizza and sausage rolls; Cheers.
  21. I was talking to a woman the other day who had an Akita , I said it was unusual as it was almost completely black. She said that was because it was an American Akita. I had never heard of that but I’ve had a look and there they were ! She also said they had webbed feet, something else I didn’t know. Cheers.
  22. My broody has hatched these chicks; Didnt need as many this year as she hatched a big brood last year that are laying well. Cheers.
  23. Go for it ! I almost gave up when I had my last two put down as I was 70, but I’m glad I didn’t, I’m as excited about the coming season as I have ever been. Hoping to visit pals in N.I. this season for some hunting as well. Cheers.
  24. None worth talking about, couple of places for ferreting, but I’ll just plod on as I’ve always done . Cheers.
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