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Everything posted by chartpolski

  1. Contact Age U K, Age Concern, Citizens Advice, and they will help. Or even call them, you can claim by phone or Pension Credit: How to claim - GOV.UK WWW.GOV.UK Pension Credit is extra money for pensioners to bring your weekly income up to a minimum amount - what you'll... Cheers.
  2. Dead…… I liked him. R.I.P.
  3. Yes mate, the one my mother had was three legged, but the dolly tub in the picture was identical. My older brother got his thumb caught in the mangle, not the rollers but the cogs on the side….well named “mangle” it certainly mangled histhumb ! Cheers.
  4. No worries mate, I was joking , I’m growing old gracefully, or disgracefully, depending on the point of view ! Cheers,
  5. You can still get them on eBay, and it’s “Burco” not “Berko” Cheers.
  6. I had a “Baby Berko” boiler that was used for boiling the old cloth nappies. It was in the back yard bubbling away boiling sheeps heads that I got from the abattoir for free. Before that when I first got married we had a wash house in the back yard of the old pit house with a copper set pot that you would light a fire beneath to do the washing. Yes, I really am that old ! LOL ! Cheers.
  7. Astanley told me it’s Tomo who keeps reporting people but I don’t believe him ! Cheers.
  8. A classic case of how “levelling up” doesn’t work was HS2 ! Started in London and only going as far as Birmingham; the Manchester and Liverpool legs scrapped and it was never meant to REALLY go “up north” to places like Leeds, Middlesbrough, Newcastle. Why was the work, jobs, wages started in the south ? Why wasn’t it started in the north ? Billions of pounds over budget and never to reach its potential. Cheers.
  9. There has always been a big discrepancy in wealth between the affluent south and the poorer north but it got worse due to de-industrialisation. The closure of the coal mines, steel works, shipyards, car manufacturing left entire communities with no employment. A conscious decision by successive governments to move from manufacturing industries to service industries like banking, insurance, financial institutions meant the money and well paid jobs are overwhelmingly situated in London and the south east. Cheers.
  10. Seen my fair share of Northumbrian hares but I’ve never seen an albino or Melanistic one. I have seen a few that appeared more “gingery” than normal. Cheers.
  11. These are added to the mince and onions in the oven so the tops are almost crispy and the underneath is doughy, just the way we do them here, other recipes are available ! LOL ! Cheers.
  12. Unless your companions in ale are visiting from the Newcastle area or are actually locals, please don’t refer to them as “Geordies”, they tend to get upset. They call themselves “ Northumbrians” ! A simple, but unforgivable faux pas for a stranger to make ! And of course I care ! It’s what us cantankerous old c**ts do; disagree with our peers but disagree even more with people who disagree with us ! f**k sake, I’m starting to sound like you now ! LOL ! Cheors! ( no not a spelling error, just my attempt at Northumbrian dialect ) !
  13. Are you going through some sort of crisis mate ? You’re posting some weird stuff, well weirder than usual. You know we are here for you ! The THL massive is well known for its understanding and empathy ! Cheers.
  14. They cook through better than big’uns. Lots of little ‘uns instead of fewer big’uns. But I will pass on your observations to the missus ! LOL ! Bon Apetit.
  15. Famous for its crab, but sadly little or no fishing fleet now in the harbour. Cheers.
  16. Mince and dumplings with onions, carrots, turnip and green beans fresh from the allotment this morning ; Cheers.
  17. I wasn’t always, mate ! With age and experience comes knowledge, understanding and humility…..I think ! LOL ! Cheers.
  18. I sort of agree. Him and I get along ok , he’s polite to me and I to him. Yeah ; he’s always looking for a bite, and he certainly gets them ! But let’s be honest, he’s an amateur compared to some that have been on here in the past. Just don’t take the bait, or he will reel you in ! LOL ! Cheers.
  19. Wow ! This is like reading “Tales From The Workhouse” ! Did nobody just have a normal upbringing ? I had what I imagine every kid that was brought up in a 50’s and 60’s working class family had. It wasn’t until I was 24 that the great adventure came out of absolutely nowhere and my life took a completely and unplanned turn and I saw the world outside of a council estate . I saw the world and met people and did things I could never have dreamed of when I was a kid playing on bomb sites in Newcastle Cheers.
  20. My mother told me about “Felling hares” during the war….. they weren’t really hares. True story. Cheers.
  21. It’s like asking how long is a piece of string ! Youll get loads of different opinions, and that’s all they are ; opinions. For what it’s worth, here is my opinion; If ratting and bushing for rabbits is your game, you’ll need something relatively small and fast. A whippet, a whippet greyhound, a beddy greyhound. Any of them should do the job for you . Good luck with whatever you choose. Cheers.
  22. There is/was wild boar in Chopwell woods near Gateshead but I’ve never heard of them crossing the river over to the Newcastle side. There are a couple of herds of wild goats further north around the Wooler area. Be nice to see more wild boar and wild goats up here. Cheers.
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