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Everything posted by chartpolski

  1. I reckon the legacy media and political parties are terrified of him and will do anything to vilify him . Its going to get very dirty. Cheers.
  2. I saw the headlines then read the full transcript and watched the full interview with Chris Hope. Anti Farage outlets and politicians have selectively taken sections out of context, but I think Farage should not have walked into the trap. His first sentence was I don’t want her back, he should have left it at that and not expanded. Judt my opinion, but I am a Farage/Reform supporter ! LOL ! Cheers.
  3. Not quite, he said he doesn’t want her back, but being in a high security prison here might be better than her being free in a Syria governed by Islamist radicals. Hes tweeted that he reaffirms he doesn’t support her returning here . Cheers.
  4. Disappearing Dog …. Cheers
  5. But do you agree or disagree with my dissertation ? “Long winded” ? Good job I didn’t start pontificating about “Overton Windows “ and “Laffer Curves”you’d have fell asleep ! LOL ! Cheers.
  6. Problem is it a catch 22, a vicious circle. Farms that have been in the same families for centuries, I’m not talking about landed gentry, they allways find a way round iht and death duties , I’m talking about normal everyday farmers like the ones who let me do a bit of ferreting , who I buy a bag of wheat from for my hens, they are asset rich because the price of land has risen dramatically because the big businesses, hedge funds, pension funds, etc have bought up land as a tax haven. These small family farmers now have very little cash in real terms and a profit margin of around 0.5-1%.
  7. £22 billion to Norway for a carbon capture plant that won’t make one iota of difference to world climate change. £15 billion per year on overseas aid, £12 billion for eco projects in Africa, £3 billion extra per year guaranteed “for as long as needed “ to Ukraine, £500 million to FOREIGN farmers. £350 million in aid to India , the worlds third or fourth biggest economy, bigger than ours ! Thats just off the top of my head, there will be far more. Cheers.
  8. Much like Brown sold off our gold…. As I regularly say, I despise both the Tory’s and Labour. The Tory’s took 14 years to become so toxic they were roundly rejected; Labour have done it in six months. It won’t be everyone’s favourite reading, but the financial reports paint an alarming picture of the British economy. Gilt buyers demanding higher and higher returns; fiscal overhead reduced from £11 billion to £1 billion, OBR projected growth this year of 2% now adjusted to zero growth. In other words we are virtually skint and being held to ransom by lenders. To buy in th
  9. I didn’t need to be Nostradamus, Old Mother Shipton or Baba Vanga to prophetise that Labour would f**k up the economy, they always do ! LOL ! Cheers.
  10. I’m not forecasting what MIGHT happen, it’s happening right now . I was watching the tractors circling the food distribution centres and listening to the news about the council cancellations and the fact there was less than a weeks gas reserves left as I posted. They are facts, not forecasts. You know I’ve said in the past that of course there are conspiracies, I firmly believe having studied and even visited the site, that the Kennedy assassination was a conspiracy, but not EVERYTHING is a conspiracy. As always, I can respect and even agree with others opinions and sometimes disagr
  11. No conspiracy there mate, it’s all out in the open ! Cheers.
  12. Get the passport mate! Always handy to have an alternative. And the language is easy to learn; you just say “eh” at the end of every sentence! LOL ! Cheers.
  13. I agree that only one council per county is sensible, but denying elections is undemocratic, it’s fairly obvious that current councillors will have an advantage in elections to a unitary council in three years time, so it’s best for the incumbents not to have elections and put the likes of Reform at a distinct disadvantage. Cheers.
  14. It’s supposedly because Labour is doing away with all the local councils , county councils, etc and each county will only have one unitary council. This isn’t planned until three years time, but it looks like those councils under threat from Reform want to postpone any elections until the changes go through meaning some councillor’s will be in place unchallenged for seven years ! The councils can only ASK for a cancellation of elections, the government minister has to agree with it, but as Labour are forecast for a hiding in the local elections it’s a safe bet they will allow the cancella
  15. Two items on my bucket list are trips on The Rocky Mountain Railroad, US/Canada , and the ‘Ghan railroad across Australia. Cheers.
  16. When I retired 21 years ago, I could have gone to live anywhere; I have family in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, Cyprus , the Middle East, but I chose to come home because my aging parents were still alive. Im to old to think about a major relocation now, I did that when I was in my 20’s and don’t regret a minute of it. I fear for the prospects of the young in this country. Cheers.
  17. Half of the councils that were due to hold local elections in May have cancelled them for at least three years . Councils where the polls say Reform were due to be very successful. Warnings of a gas shortage and possible power outages in the middle of the coldest part of the year. Farmers, right now, circling food distribution centres with tractors threatening to disrupt food supplies. God forbid that pensioners start to die of cold and hunger…… What is happening to my country ? Cheers.
  18. A good anology would be the non-ped and the coursing bred ! LOL ! Just having a bit fun mate, I’m having a good day ! Cheers
  19. I’ve broke my own vow not to invoke Godwin’s law already ! LOL ! Cheers.
  20. And Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pot, Kim, Caucescu, etc we’re communist by name only….they were Dictators. Far left or far right, a dictator is a dictator. Cheers.
  21. Never forget ; Nazi is short for National Socialist…… Cheers.
  22. Starmer has ordered the monitoring of Musks tweets by a Home Office group tracking “extremists”. Theres also talk of them blocking Musks tweets, how they would do that without banning X , I don’t know, but I’m sure Musk will relish the fight. It’ll be like Starmer turning up to a nuclear war armed with a catapult…. Cheers.
  23. Just used a 5 mcp lamp ! LOL ! Cheers .
  24. Michelle Dewbury on GBNews has just mentioned my birthday, I’ve never met her so I guess someone told her ! Cheers.
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