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Everything posted by chartpolski

  1. I imagine Wilfy sitting in his wind swept , rain sodden man cave, much like myself, pontificating on world affairs like some old sage or shaman, not always getting it right, but worth listening to as its thought provoking. Im not sure if he smiles benificently or rages , again like myself, at some of the comments he reads on here ! LOL ! But, I respect all opinions wether I agree with them or not . Cheers.
  2. Do you mean “gold” ? Its still there, it was that Labour lunatic Brown who sold off all our gold. He advertised the sale so the speculators dropped the price and he sold it at a “low”, and he was “Chancellor of the Exchequer “ !! So even if the conspiracy theory that Fort Knox is empty, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least ! Cheers.
  3. Has anyone just watched Trump’s CPAC speech ? I have, and there’s nothing, absolutely nothing, I disagree with . Why oh why can’t we have a leader who loves and puts his country first ? Cheers.
  4. He is, in my mind , a muslim, not an Islamist. There’s a difference. But you know that and I’m in no way attracted by that worm ! LOL ! Cheers.
  5. Don’t forget to vote ReformUK, mate ! Cheers.
  6. The Americans loaned us billions to rebuild after WW2 and we didn’t finish repaying them until 2006. No such thing as a free lunch, so they say . Cheers.
  7. Russia has got the Tartus air base and naval base in Syria. Cheers.
  8. Whippets can take the odd roe, but they can't be considered "deer dogs"; Cheers.
  9. Indian Joe; PedigreePoint Online Database WHIPPET-DATA.CO.UK Cheers.
  10. chartpolski


    I'm guessing it will be "soft tip" darts, very popular there . Cheers.
  11. chartpolski


    Glad to see you're a equal opportunities racist, Wilfy ; Africans AND Asians ! LOL !
  12. chartpolski


    Did you go in the dartsbar ? Cheers.
  13. You’ve got to love this place …insane banter and sensible talk about coursing dogs in the same thread ! LOL ! Cheers.
  14. If I want to get well out of the way, I’ve got two big allotments just two fields away, one for growing and one for the birds. Ive got laying hens, ducks, quail and a couple of fighting birds. I can spend hours there just messing about . Might even get a run with the dogs walking there and back. Not a bad old life . Cheers.
  15. Get yourself a man cave, Bangers, or as I call mine “the cave of manliness” or my “fortress of Solitude “ ! PMSL ! Cheers.
  16. Nah, Stiffy will be pestering me to buy my samurai sword collection ! LOL ! Cheers.
  17. Whoops ! Looking back you may be right. My apologies, Bangers mate Cheers.
  18. I give to charities, I meant why should I give my collectibles to charity. Everything in my man cave has memories and talking points. Cheers.
  19. I agree, never found any real hatred and I’ve travelled a bit and spent time in very diverse countries. But then again, I’m a happy go lucky guy with a lovable smile ! LOL ! Cheers.
  20. I’ve got the three day cards from the last Waterloo Cup, in mint condition, framed on my man cave wall. Also got the booklet to go with them, The Fullerton Story and the lapel badge. Cheers.
  21. But we didn’t invade the Falklands ; the Argentines invaded sovereign british territory. We ejected the illegal foreign invaders. It was no different to if a foreign power invaded the Isle of Wight or Anglesey, we have every right to protect the sovereignty of our land. Whatever the reason for Putin invading the Ukraine, Russia were the foreigner invading a sovereign country. He may or may not have had good reasons but the anology between the Falklands and the Ukraine doesn’t stand up. Cheers.
  22. Estonia and Latvia were part of the USSR , until the break up of the Soviet Union. Cheers.
  23. Back then there was only local dogs and we used the best in the neighbourhood. This was the 60’s, no internet, limited phones, not everyone had cars or could travel. There was a lot of lurcher in our dogs, and the only rules were a dog hat to be “smooth coated, under 21” and of whippet like appearance “ to run as a whippet. Then the lads down your way, Masham, Thirsk, Dewsbery etc stared using the very best pedigree whippets, Bilko, Blue Peter, etc over small greyhounds and breeding the best to the best. They we’re running Yards for Pounds down there so the bigger dogs and bitche
  24. Many years ago I had a whippet called Blue Prince; his sire was the famous Blue Boy. Every year there was the Blue Boy Trophy and one year I aimed to win it and I did ! I tried to win it the next year and thought I had the dog ready and the mark,(yards), to do it, but the dog peaked the week before and won the handicap, got beat the week of the Trophy, and won the handicap again the week after ! So I’ve never been the “dog man” I think I may have been ! LOL ! Forgive the quality of the picture, this was decades before digital cameras were heard of ! Cheers.
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