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Everything posted by chartpolski

  1. chartpolski


    I think I may have put it slightly more diplomatically…..LOL ! Cheers.
  2. chartpolski


    Have you ever thought of a career in the Diplomatic Service, Bangers ? LOL ! Cheers.
  3. chartpolski


    Depends what you mean by “a government in the east. “ ? If it’s a dictatorship/ authoritarian/ communist government, then no, I’ll stick with what Churchill said; “ democracy may be bad, but it’s the least bad of all the other options”. If you mean geographical east, well the likes of Singapore seem to have it right in putting their own people first. Even the likes of Saudi Arabia put their own people way , way above foreigners. At the end of the day though, there seems to be very few governments of any type that puts their people first. A “benevolent dictatorship” wo
  4. chartpolski


    Maggie didn’t posture..she sent an armada…… Cheers.
  5. chartpolski


    Putin has already ruled out having NATO or EU troops as peacekeepers, so that’s a non starter. Its just Starmer posturing. He was asked today if giving fishing concessions to France were part of the deal for us to join some fanciful EU defence pact and he completely swerved the question. THEY need our military and intelligence capabilities, WE don’t need theirs, why the hell should we surrender our fishing grounds ? Mans a traitor . Cheers.
  6. chartpolski


    Starmer posturing again on tv, how he is going to send troops to Ukraine to protect their border…… How can he do this when he refuses to protect OUR border ???? Cheers.
  7. The saluki is a wilful beast….. Cheers.
  8. No mate, the sire is full deerhound, ( same sire as my bitch). Dam is deerhound x Wheaton/greyhound. I was offered a litter sister but had enough dogs at the time; Cheers.
  9. I don’t understand that , but as I’m not a physicist, I’d guess that gravity exerts equal pressure all over the globe, so when you got to the middle, gravity would be neutralised and you’d stop in the middle. Wherever you went in , it wouldn’t make any difference, you’d be falling down and slowing down ‘till you reached the centre then gravity from both ends would be equal and you’d stay in the centre. It’s very simple really; where ever you stand on a globe, you look down to the ground and up to the sky. Cheers.
  10. Because you can’t fall up . Cheers.
  11. No mate, I judged the EDRD show, and judges can’t enter the show. The three shows I was runner up were local hunt shows and I wasn’t judging. Cheers.
  12. True story; I was flying north / south on a 747 and I asked the pilot to let me know a few minutes before we crossed the equator . My plan was to go to the toilet, fill a sink with water and pull the plug just as we got to the equator and se if the flow changed from clockwise to anti clockwise as we crossed the “line”. Of course it doesn’t ! The aircraft was pressurised and the water goes straight down the drain ! Just goes to show; even a clever c**t like me is not adverse to making a prat of myself ! LOL ! But at least I didn’t ask the pilot to let me know when the aircraft tu
  13. Come to think of it, I’ve never seen the two of them in the same room…. Cheers.
  14. Just out of interest , this is one of the actual aircraft I was involved with; Saudi Arabian Airlines Boeing 747-400F, “India Uniform”. It could carry 124 ton of cargo, it never ceased to amaze me seeing it take off fully loaded and fully fueled. Like Concord, it was a huge leap forward in aviation. Cheers. Ps? Don’t know why I quoted GL, it was meant for Franks Dad!
  15. Sikorsky Sky Crane could probably handle it; Just about…. Cheers.
  16. Labour want a 99 year lease, Mauritius only wants to give 45 years. Cheers.
  17. Before Labour give it to Mauritius and pay billions to rent it back……. Cheers.
  18. Ferretman has just added a lot of pics to my WhatsApp group; very nice ! Cheers.
  19. I’ve seen the video mate, and Ferretman had just told me he taught you all you know ! LOL ! The worlds getting smaller by the minute ! Cheers.
  20. It’s all coming clear now mate ! Clinton is on my WhatsApp group ! LOL ! Cheers.
  21. What a small world ! Clinton is a pal of mine. He was here a while ago dropping off some venison and got me some pheasant feeder springs and barrels! He should have been here with the rest of the lads a week or so ago, we meet up in my man cave and put the world to rights but he was working away. Hopefully he will be home for that show. Cheers,
  22. I’ll have the Air Ambulance on stand - by mate …….. LOL ! Cheers.
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