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Everything posted by WhiteWolf-82

  1. what size would be best for terrier pens 4x4, 6x4 or 8x4 or even 8x6?
  2. Good cross for ferreting the hedges and most have a good coat to keep warm in the cold weather
  3. Is anybody breeding Cocker x Beagle pups?
  4. Is anybody breeding cocker x beagle pups?
  5. Yea i’m just looking at my options right now. I used to do a lot of lamping maybe I will get a running dog atb
  6. But if I see a good lakeland I could just buy a collar they look decent and have good coat for the bushes and the winter
  7. R okay thanks for the reply’s maybe I will buy a cocker or beagle.
  8. Just wondering if i got a lakeland pup for bushing would it be tempted to drop below when it’s older even if it has no encouragement and if you keep it away from holes growing up?
  9. Good idea with the wood on top for a shelf to lay on Also do you breed working russells?
  10. That’s good to know. I will sit it on 2x2 and put some holes in the bottom.
  11. Would you lay it down or keep it standing up?
  12. Can you put a pic up? i’ve never kept a dog outside before i’m looking for ideas
  13. Definitely quarter the price of building a good kennel with wood insulation and felt and is better
  14. Will these be alright? 18 inches high by 14 inches
  15. what way did you cut the entry just a round hole like 8 inch?
  16. No. All my mates like running dogs I always liked terriers mate atb
  17. Yes. you can have more than one dog ? I don’t have any right now
  18. Is anybody Breeding any Lakelands from working stock?
  19. Yes guys something that will work all round above and only bay/bolt when below. atb
  20. Yes that’s true. I think I will be looking for a Jack Russell atb
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