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About Sundodger

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    Southwest uk

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  1. Yes I used to shoot over Cardross on the north shore and also long the shore from Bowling to Dumbarton. There A few other places further down the firth on the other side of Gareloch Culwatty bay hope this helps
  2. Eh up boba job, just seen your post how did you get on, did you contact the land owner. Myself I would have just been straight with the guy and asked for permission, and take it from there.
  3. Sundodger


    There are loads of different cartridges out here from a lot of different manufactures, I have been using Eley VIP Steel 32g and they work fine for me. I have also been trying out some home loads. Game bore are bringing out a new fibre steel load. They should be worth a try. atb Sundodger
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