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Everything posted by Runthemhard

  1. ok there is a book set in the early 1900 i think about a sherperd dog rasied by a game keeper and help him with his job. i cant think of the name of it but if anyone can it would be a big help. the guy that wright it first name was frank i think
  2. ok there is a book set in the early 1900 i think about a sherperd dog rasied by a game keeper and help him with his job. i cant think of the name of it but if anyone can it would be a big help. the guy that wright it first name was frank i think
  3. did you already have her tranined on birds? or were fox the frist thing
  4. the best way i can put it was the female i saw had a stags body and a mal head. the guy that had her was just looking for a good mate to put over her
  5. oh yeah man it not open ground here it hills with heavy trees and brush. also the only reason i am even thinking of it the few guys that i talked to said both dogs had a pretty good record of catching fox and coyotes both
  6. Yeah I found out a few guys over here have been crossing apbt with shepherds with petty good results
  7. Cool I might have a lead on a Belgium shepherd x stag
  8. i will say the jagd x dratthharr sounds like it could have a lot going for it
  9. just have to ask do they tend to keep the terrier drive and the spaniels size?
  10. well fox hounds were the thing back in the day but they were about whip out with the foxs back in the 70
  11. does anyone run a lurcher with tracking blood? for hunting in wooded areas my frist thought would be a pointer x that could be cut in after the hounds jumped game
  12. that would be a killer cross but not real common around here becuse the land is not real good for sight hounds
  13. yeah fox are what i was studding on i wonder if the tranning is diffent from hounds
  14. yeah i have heard a lot of guys use them for hogs down there. if you have hunted any would you say speed and brains are why the get used? i am very intrested in the ones that are crossed with a kind of cow dog called a blue heeler. i know a boy that has one that was a working cow dog but also worked the trap line with him and did a pretty good job of catching any free running game they come on
  15. i know how bad coyotes are that why i was thinking a terrier drive in a bigger body. i had looked at stag hounds but dont think they would work in the heavy cover we have
  16. my thinking was a alround dog that could go from small game to predtores to blood tracking
  17. the boy that give me the idea had one that was half jag and red heeler cow dog he said the two he keep did great and the ones he gave to hunters in the area had treed coon bobcat bear and mounting lion and run down rabbits foxs mink and coyotes i just trying to if he just got lucky or if it tends to work out that way
  18. just intrested in if anyone has hunted with a stock dog x with hunting dogs? reason i ask seems they tend to add speed and brains. seems they were well liked by a lot of the old bounty hunters that killed wolf coyotes mounting lion and bear.
  19. I have heard a lot of the German breed gun dogs were breed to hunt fur as well as birds. Just curious if anyone still huts stuff like rabbit fox deer or hogs with them?
  20. I figured you were a southern boy.I have been getting interest terriers but have been worried with the predators we have they would not last long because of their size. I have heard a few accounts of them being crossed with larger hunting and working dogs making a killer cross. The best I heard of was half jag and red heeler cow dogs
  21. Just curious if anyone has crossed a high drive terrier with a bigger hunting or working dog. The reason I ask is I really like some of the terrier drive but worry about their small size with the predators we have coyotes being the worst.
  22. Howdy from America thought it would be cool to see hunting stuff from were my people came from. I have Irish and Scottish in me on my dad's side and Scottish and French on my mom's side. I grew up hunting squrillers deer and running beagles and coon hounds. Unfortunately got out of it in my teens and twentys because of girls school and work. But being 35 and married needs something to do on the weekend.
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